Sunday, January 03, 2010

Catholic gospel

I went to church. It was funny. There was 'gospel choir' but it was only white people, so it did not look like anything on the movies. The lead singer had a beautiful voice and it was all really nice, but the old white ladies clapping and trying to dance were sooo funny. They looked so much out of place. Out of scope :)

We were both surprised how many people were in church. Rob said he always thought Catholics didn't really go to church except for Christmas and Easter. Surprise! The other weird thing is that almost EVERYBODY went to communion (if you're not catholic, you will probably not understand it). Like the catholic guild didn't existed here so strongly like at the old continent :) Need to investigate it more. And generally people seemed more happy and enjoying it.

But the one thing was the same everywhere I ever went to the catholic church: people being late :) I thought of our family and my mum always making us late when I was a kid and the embarrassment when u get in 15 minutes late and everybody is staring at you. Here at least they had man on each isle who would sit people, so they didn't have to spend a few minutes looking for seats and making even bigger mess.

However, it was a very nice experience. I still need to learn the mess in English, cause now I probably look like an idiot mumbling parts in English and parts in Polish.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

New beginning

Uff, it's a new year, 2010. Finally. I was pretty tired of 2009, it was too eventful :) Now I need a rest, so please new year, be just nice and quiet. Enough weddings, movings to other continents and stuff like this. I wish for a quiet year, just settling down, making new friends and living healthier.

The new year started quite good. We went to Rob's colleague to watch fireworks at the Space Needle. They were really nice. Not quite Krakow nice, but pretty close. The people at the party were nice. But apparently I got a bit too drunk and embarrassed Rob :) I don't remember it :) I hope it wasn't that bad, especially that he was the only not drunk person there, so I hope the rest didn't take it too seriously. I hope they will talk to me in the future, cause they were really nice. And I'm in need of friends :)
Of course I wasn't planning on getting drunk, I was actually planning not to. But they offered shots and that's my secret love. Of course, it wasn't fernet or absolut, but Jägermeister. I only had 2 of those but then the killer came: vodka with blueberry liquor. It was delicious but dangerous. And then we had to drive for about 30 minutes. I get a bit carsick when I'm drunk so it was not fun. At least I had only like 5 cigarettes that evening, so woke up without a headache. And I'm quitting now :) Let's see how it goes. I decided to smoke only when drinking which would work much better that Prague, cause there it meant almost every might :)
Note to myself: do not get drunk with people who work with Rob during the first meeting; do not mix! and please forget about shots!
When we got home I got really depressed because all of my friends are in Prague, so Rob was making fun of me that we actually never spent New Year's Eve with our Prague friends. Oh well, I still miss you all.

On an unrelated note: they have wifi on the public transportation here! Specifically the buses that go from Seattle to Redmond. Awesome!!!
And I've gor Zbigniew Preisner music yesterday! I love it! Could not find it anywhere for a while but amazon had it in downloads :) So I didn't even have to wait for the delivery. It's so good! He is a genious! Now I apparently should start listening to classical music. Well, I'll try.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Three things are certain: Death, taxes and lost data.

Gdy chodzilam sobie po okolicy, to zobaczylam, ze sprzedaja niedaleko domy blizniaki. Takie, nieduze, 2-3 sypialnie. Nie znam zadnych szczegolow, ale wygladaja na dosc nowe. Cena mnie zaskoczyla: moja 4-letnia pensja tutaj. W Pradze najmniejsze mieszkanie gdzies na zadupiu w panelaku (bloku) kosztowaloby mnie 6,5-letnia pensje. Pomijajac, ze biore pod uwage ceny brutto, tam placilam 19% podatku dochodowego, a tutaj... o jej nie wiem, strasznie to skomplikowane. W kazdym razie sa tu 2 podatki: federalny i stanowy. W Washingtonie stanowy wynosi 0%. Ale tego federalnego nie moge sie doliczyc, strasznie to skomplikowane, nawet nie, ze w zaleznosci od dochodu sie placi rozny %. Tu sie placi 10% za kazdego dolara od 0 do 16,700$, potem 15% od kazdego dolara od 16,701 do 67,900$, 25% od 67,901$ do 137,050$ itd (dla malzenstw). Ojej, a myslalam ze u nas podatki skomplikowane.
Wniosek jest w kazdym razie taki, ze o wiele szybciej bedzie mnie stac na dom tutaj niz w Pradze.

Ptaszek ranny nieslychanie

I've been forced to get up between 5 and 6am every day here. First, I was jet lagged and also to meet with my european customers. I didn't think I would be able to do it but hey, it's amazing! I love it! I can be done with work at one o'clock! (theoretically). I think I will keep doing it, at least east coast hours to be able to either finish early or take a longer lunch break. I already have so many plans! I found a gym and a yoga place and a boot camp... The last one might be interesting. I really need to meet new people and it might be a good place. Oh, and I'm also going to take drawing classes. And we're both going to learn dancing :)
Sounds pretty amaing, I wonder how much I will actually do :) Let's hope for 3 things, that would be good enough.
And now I need a cup of strong coffee, otherwise I'll fall asleep. Yeah, still not used to this early getting up. And I had a long walk.... and Prague is asleep now, so time for me to bed :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's gonna be a good day

I went out shopping this morning. It wasn't raining. First thing I saw were huge mountains! They are so close. So beautiful and majestic. Filled with good feelings and energy, I decided to take a longer lunch break and go for a walk. It was a very good decision. I discovered how beautiful it is here: a path along the river, nice little parks, so green everywhere. It reminds me a bit of Sweden.
For the first day here I actually feel happy.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


A friend suggested that I should start a blog about the US. So maybe I should resurrect my old one. Who knows, maybe this time it will be interesting. All the different things I'll have to deal with in the US. It probably won't be very optimistic since I'm sure there will be lots of annoying stuff, but maybe I just think it now because I don't want to leave Prague.
Let's try and see if it works.
I wonder if anybody will read it. It don't really matter that much. At least if nobody will be reading, I may be completely honest and not afraid of offending anybody.
I guess that since I've started it in Sweden and continued in Prague, Seattle should also find it's way here.
Next post will answer the question why the hell I'm leaving the most beautiful city in the world to move to another continent, city I've never been to and don't really know much about, with a culture I'm not a huge fan of.
The short answer: love.
The long answer will come tomorrow (or maybe later today).

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Have a supai

By the way, we are thinking about visiting Havasupi Tribe. Check it here. It is gorgeous!

Holiday planning

I wanted to be better and write more often but I guess it won't work. The US trip is planned. We're going in August to Utah and Arizona. I'm very excited especially about seeing the Grand Canyon. It's like the greatest natural attraction in the US. I only hope that Robi will be able to get his driving license in time (of course it just expired). I scheduled my visa appointment today so now it's waiting and planning.
I've been trying to make some decisions regarding wedding, but so far no results.

Oh, and I mentioned before that I wanted to go out of Prague. I hoped to go camping this weekend, except that today the weather got much worse and it's going to rain on the weekend :(

Tonight we're going to see 'The Happening" by Shamalamadingdong, hmmm... the guy that did Signs and Village. It's going to be scared, but Robie promised to protect me against the bad movie.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Znowu jestem w zlym nastroju. Na prawde potrzebuje urlopu, wakacji, ucieczki z tej pracy i z tego miasta. Niestety, nikt sie nie moze na nic zdecydowac i nie mam pojecia, gdzie tego lata pojedziemy. Coraz bardziej wyglada na to, ze nigdzie.
Wczoraj spedzilam bardzo mily wieczor z dziewczynami (Sara & Sophie), ktory zostal popsuty jak tylko wrocilam do domu. I nawet nie wiem dlaczego. Jakies glupie wyrzuty... Ogolnie bez sensu.