Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I love Europe

Uff, finally I have some time at work. The last week was terrible. Well, it was nice, but terriblly busy. Now it's better. Andrea is still sick though so I still have more work than normally.
I just wanted to write about our weekend: we went for a concert. Prince was invited by his teacher - friend, who plays bass in the band. It was fun!!! Next day was not so nice but it was worth :)
And we have just decided that we're going to Budapest in 2 weeks!!! Hurra! Yuppi!!! I can't wait. Prince has just booked the hostel and in the evening we're going to get the train tickets. It will be great. We had quite serious discussion related to that yesterday. Actually it just started with Budapest, as we were counting our money and trying to decide if we can afford to go. Prince was having issues that he's going back to the state of his finances as when he was living in US and couldn't afford many things. Well, he doesn't have huge credit card bill but teaching English is not as well payed as we thought. And we still do a lot of fun stuff so in my opinion it's not so bad. But I'm afraid he will start wanting to go back to the US. And I'm not sure I'd like to move so far. It's not even an issue of distance. Well, I'm not like most Poles who think that US is heavens on Earth....

Sunday, February 26, 2006


I've just realized that I wanted to post a few pics, especially the one of my new friend - Elfi:

And one more, which I think is funny :) Someone will be really mad for that, but...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

What a week!!!

That was the most intence week in a very very long time. Partly because Andrea is sick and we have to do her work with Miguel, who is quite slow and hardly finishes his things. So she has been sick two weeks already and maybe she will be back in the middle of this week - maybe... And my boss visited us, actually two bosses. He is really cool, he brought us SuperBowl - Steelers T-shirts (he's from Pittsburg). It was very nice and everything was cool except that I didn't have enough time to finish my work (my and Andrea's). Wednesday we went for a dinner in Medivial Tavern (with a dungeen) and for a very long walk around he city. I came back late and didn't get enough sleep, the same as the next night. So yesterday I fall asleep very early. Actually, we went for a dinner at Elizabeth's, which was delicious. It was fun, except that I was so tired that I couldn't speak English, I was just sitting at a couch trying not to fall asleep. Well, but it was a good week. I've got a very positive evaluation of my work :)

Ojej, nie chce mi sie pisac po angielsku. W sumiee to nawet nie wiem, czemu nie pisze wiecej po polsku. W kazdym razie ogolnie szefowie powiedzieli, ze jestesmy super :))) Bardzo sie ciesze, bo lubie ta prace i jestem doceniana. I za 2 tygodnie bedzie to pierwsza praca, w ktorej przeszlam przez okres probny. Hehe, fajnie... Tylko Ksieciunio sie troche wkurzal, ze pozno wracam do domu, ze zostaje po godzinach. Ale Andrea jest chora... Wszyscy wiedza przeciez, jaki ze mnie len i bez waznego powodu bym tego nie robila. Tylko sie zastanawiam, co bedzie z Andrea, bo juz jest chora 2 tygodnie, a w tym raczej tez nie wroci. 3-tygodniowa choroba to juz cos bardzo powaznego. Z drugiej strony wspominala mi, ze chcialaby zmienic prace na cos w jej zawodzie. Takze moze szuka w Brnie. Chociaz jak z ni rozmawialam, to glos miala zmieniony bardzo. Nic to, zobaczymy. Mam nadzieje, ze wyzdrowieje szybko i ze to nic tak strasznie powaznego.
Co jeszcze....przepraszam wszystkich, do ktorych mialam sie odezwac, a tego nie zrobilam. Na prawwde bylam strasznie zabiegana. Mam nadzieje, ze ten tydzien bedzie lepszy. Mamusiu, Tatusiu, jutro obiecuje byc na necie, nie martwcie sie o mnie.

A dzisiaj idziemy na mecz rugby ( w pubie oczywiscie, bo zimno), a potem na koncert kolegi Ksieciunia. Zobaczymy, wczoraj sie dowiedzialam, ze opisuja swoj zespol jako: "Niemiecka orkiestra deta polaczona z angielkim golfem", cokolwiek by to mialo znaczyc :).
No, to spadam do sobotniego lenistwa.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A oto nasze nowe krolestwo:

nasza kamienica

oldschoolowe wejscie do kamienicy

zakrecone schody

brama do naszego prywatnego nieba

sypialnia - jeszcze w stanie prawie surowym


widok z pokoju na wprost - stamtad moga nas podgladac

widok z pokoju w dol - ten tramwaj zabiera mnie do pracy

widok z kuchni - sciete dachy

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Because you're mine, I walk the line

Uff, finally I have a normal day, without so much work. Last few days were crazy! I didn't have time to check my email, especially yesterday. Prince couldn't belive me: how you cannot get 5 minuts break? Well, I had breaks for cigarette and that's all. People were writting me, calling me and I had my regular responsibilities, which I don't like to pospone for the next day. Because I never know if the next day will be even more busy or I won't have anything (almost) to do, like now.
On Monday we went to see Walk the Line (2005) about Johnny Cash. Very good movie in my opinion. Kind of psychological. And now I really like his music. I was especially surprised with the actors: Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, they are actually good actors!

Jak juz wspomnialam Adas i Agnieszka sie zareczyli! Super! Bardzo sie ciesze, bo tworza swietna pare i na pewno beda szczesliwi. Na Wigilii rozmawialam nawet o tym z Aga i mowila, ze w sumie to juz by chciala, bo to niedobrze dlugo za soba chodzic, bo wtedy pary czesto sie rozpadaja. Najwyrazniej Adam wzial to sobie do serca, jak rowniez komentarze cioci Tereni :)) (to slyszalam od Mamusi). Niestety, szybko na wesele nie pojde, bo slub planuja za jakis 2-3 lata.
As I have mentioned before (I guess in Polish), my cousin Adam got engaged. It's great and I'm very happy for them. They are planning the wedding in 2-3 years. Well, maybe by that time I'll be engaged too :)))