Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Because you're mine, I walk the line

Uff, finally I have a normal day, without so much work. Last few days were crazy! I didn't have time to check my email, especially yesterday. Prince couldn't belive me: how you cannot get 5 minuts break? Well, I had breaks for cigarette and that's all. People were writting me, calling me and I had my regular responsibilities, which I don't like to pospone for the next day. Because I never know if the next day will be even more busy or I won't have anything (almost) to do, like now.
On Monday we went to see Walk the Line (2005) about Johnny Cash. Very good movie in my opinion. Kind of psychological. And now I really like his music. I was especially surprised with the actors: Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, they are actually good actors!

Jak juz wspomnialam Adas i Agnieszka sie zareczyli! Super! Bardzo sie ciesze, bo tworza swietna pare i na pewno beda szczesliwi. Na Wigilii rozmawialam nawet o tym z Aga i mowila, ze w sumie to juz by chciala, bo to niedobrze dlugo za soba chodzic, bo wtedy pary czesto sie rozpadaja. Najwyrazniej Adam wzial to sobie do serca, jak rowniez komentarze cioci Tereni :)) (to slyszalam od Mamusi). Niestety, szybko na wesele nie pojde, bo slub planuja za jakis 2-3 lata.
As I have mentioned before (I guess in Polish), my cousin Adam got engaged. It's great and I'm very happy for them. They are planning the wedding in 2-3 years. Well, maybe by that time I'll be engaged too :)))

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