Thursday, August 17, 2006

Serius decisions

Yesterday we had serious discussion. Well, it wasn't all that serious but it was about serious things. I agree with Prince that we have to make some decisions about our lives. It's difficult. The points were that we won't stay in Prague more than a year (more or less). Prince should start saving for his retirement and it's impossible with teaching. And he wants to move back to the US. I agree. However, it creates extra problems: US is not EU and I need visa and work permit and so on. The hardest is work permit and I cannot see any other way to get it than to get married. And we don't really want to get married yet. I'm not exactly like most of girls / women dreaming about the white wedding dress and so on. On the other hand I was brought up to dream about it. I'm confused... I want to get married some day but not exactly yet. So if anyone knows how to get work permit in the US without it, please let me know. It would solve a few problems. Also, weddings are expensive and I'm not sure how my family would react if I would just skip the reception. Actually I'd like to see reaction of my aunts. Hehe, it would be funny. So maybe we could get married in Vegas or something :))) Those serious things make my brain boil. Too much logistics. We can decide: yes, we'll go to the US but it's all interconnected.
So I'm waiting for advice: how to solve it easily?


Anonymous said...

You said your company was based out of the US. It should be possible for them to sponser you and maybe even transfer you to the US

Anonymous said...

Does Rob really want to move to the US? Maybe he just wants to get out from the Czech Republic (where people do not speak English).
Did you think about the UK or Ireland?
Move to the UK or Ireland (english speaking country, better salary, etc.). It is not so far from Poland and possibly more "friendly" for Rob.
If there is problem because of family (Robs is in the USA and yours in Poland) then I think one of you will have to resing ... :(