Friday, August 18, 2006

Am I old enough to get me a watch?

Wow, 2 comments already under the last post! Just wanted to verify something: Prince doesn't want to move to the US right now, not even in a year. It seems to me that he cannot decide, but he says the same thing about me. We both have problems with decision making.
I was thinking to transfer within my company but: 1. Prince doesn't want to live in Pittsburgh where my company is based (at least my department); 2. I am not sure if they would even consider it - the reason why they opened the office in Prague is to cut down costs.
I was also thinking about UK / Ireland. But then I was under the impression that Prince want to go to the US. It would be definitely easier.
We need to talk about it more.

OK, enough serious stuff. Yesterday we were in the pub. It was nice, not too many people but there was Courtney, Megan and Mark, Matt, Scott. We left really early - Prince wasn’t feeling too well, Courtney has a nickname Larry ('cause she always leaves early). So I went home too. Today we are suppose to go play darts but tomorrow we have to get up really early to go to Sychov castle to the Highland Games. And I feel weird today - my stomach. Not hangover but like I'd eat something. So we'll see about the evening. And yesterday when I came back home I broke the ring that Prince gave me for my name day. It was the second I broke. The first lasted over a year and the second not even a month. I was really angry. Now I need to go to Tesco. That's actually a good idea as I'm planning to get me a watch and they have both of them at Tesco. I figured out I'm old enough to have a watch. It's like a sign of being adult. All the kids want to have it, and of course I had it when I was a kid. But then it started irritate me. It's like a leash: you depend on the time so much more than if you wouldn't have it. I haven't used it for at least 5 years, since I have a cell phone. And it would be useful in the US as my mobile won't work there and it's good to know the time. I made a decision: I'm going to Tesco today.

Have a nice Friday and weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

To my last post ... The question is why Rob wants to leave. Because of family or other reasons? If family then I think it can be sirious problem for you two as a couple. One of you will have to resing from his/her family for "long" time. On the other side you two create new family and you should concentrate on it!
Wish you the best.
We can talk about it next weekend. Let me know where we will meet, please.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marta...I've never posted here before but since everyone else had an idea - Wanted to share mine as well!

I'm Kerrie...From VA, Rob's best friends wife.

We would LOVE LOVE LOVE for you guys to come to the states. Across the street from us would be best!~ :) :)

We miss Robert terribly and are dying to meet you.

No pressure though. :)

Anonymous said...


jasne, to sa trudne decyzje, z konsekwencjami przez duze "K", ale nie sa ostateczne i nieodwracalne!
Za jakis czas mozecie przeciez wrocic do Europy... jesli nadal bedziecie chcieli.

a jesli chodzi o kontakty z rodzina - sadze, ze chetnie was odwiedza w USA! ;)

nie trace jednak nadziei ze do tego czasu zobaczymy Cie jeszcze w starej poczciwej Polsze..
trzymaj sie cieplo!

Truskawka said...

Across the streat would be great except that Rob doesn't want to go back to VA so I guess you'd have to move :)