Thursday, November 10, 2005

Texas hold'em

I started my new job today, actually had just a training. Probably it was the most fun training I've ever had and will have. For most of the day we learned how to play poker! It was great fun especially since I won everything! All the chips on the table were mine! It was the first time I played poker at least with betting. I think my dad tried to teach me poker one time but we never got beyond the rules and hands. So I did quite well today. We'll see how the real job will look like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm, to brzmi cudownie - a czym bedziesz sie w tej pracy zajmowac? negocjacjami handlowymi? :)))

spoznione, ale bardzo, bardzo serdeczne "wszystkiego najlepszego" :-*

zajrzyj wreszcie kiedyƛ do ojczyzny, to Cie usciskamy! (z tej i kazdej innej okazji:-)