Friday, July 07, 2006

Visa Visa Visa

HURRA!!! I have the visa!
I have the visa!
I have the visa!
Tam ta ram tam, hurra!!!

Did you guessed? I had the interview today in the morning at the US Embassy and got the visa! I don't know what kind of visa, I don't know for how long, but I know I got it! So now sometime in August I'll probably go to Pittsburgh and for Christams to Virginia. I can't wait!

Except for that: it's suppoze to be very hard day at work - I'm the only one from our team and we had 2 days off unlike the rest of the world, so there is a looooot of work. But I'm still all about the visa and I just can't be bothered to work too hard today. It can wait till Monday :)
As I mentioned, we had two days off. On Wednesday we went to the ZOO and saw giraffes, they are so cute. We saw lots of other animals too but I had seen them a year ago when Mloda was here. We just missed giraffes. So we saw pingwins and lions and elephant and hippos and owls and voulchers (hmm, the birds that eat dead people :) and... I don't remember :)) There was too many of them to remember all. Oh, gorillas and those animals who are extremely lazy and the sin is calles after them - laziness, can't remeber their name. It was fun day.
And yesterday we were playing Arcana Unearthed. I'm fean mage-blade. It's fun. There are dragons and giants and all sort of wacky stuff going on. I'm enjoying it except that Prince (who is not playing prince btw) has to play like 3 people and be the Game Master at the same time so it's a bit difficult at times. But still it's fun. I know for some of you RPG is this strange thing that make people kill themselves (that's what I heard) but for me it doesn't have any of this kind of stigma and it's just one more fun thing to do.
So I guess that's all. Oh, and Italy won with Germany in semi-final. And they are playing France (again). Hopefuly it won't be penalty kicks that decide who won the World Cup this time.




Elizabeth said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Congratulations, Marta - you must be so excited! (And aren't giraffes wonderful??!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting your visa! Perhaps we* can visit you during your August trip here if you're amenable. If not then we shall have to meet you in December! Um... sloths yes? And I have not played an pen-and-paper RPG in what seems like forever! ::sigh:: Cheers!
* R. can elaborate on who "we" are. :)

Anonymous said...

Gratuluje :)
Rob tez pojedzie do Stanow?
A wroczicie?

Lims said...

Jesli polecisz tam w sierpniu, bedziemy znow na jednym kontynencie :) z tym szczegolem, ze ja troche wyzej :)
Nie robili Ci problemow, ze zalatwialas wize w Czechach, mimo ze nie jestes obywatelka Czech?

Anonymous said...

...and those actually WERE penalties that decided... ;-)

(and by that time I had almost suffocated from the heat and smoke in the pub...)

btw the zoo is known for its gorillas, a friend of mine goes to Prague especially for them! (she's doing research on psychology of gorillas :) )

no i mam nadzieje, ze wrocicie - poczciwa stara Europa tez da sie lubic :)

Truskawka said...

Thank you, everybody for your support regarding visa :) The plan is to go there at the end of August, also to Grand Titons (maybe).
Btw I saw gorillas too. But I prefer giraffes they are so cute.