Monday, March 27, 2006

Za duzo tych jezykow wokolo

I just did a spell check. Apologies to all of you who have to try to figure out what I wanted to write and what I meant - I can't do the spell check at work for some reason and that's where I write most of my posts. I hope that after a few more years with Prince my English will get better. But now I feel sometimes that it's getting worse :( Well, my brain needs some space for Czech and soon French - that's right, I'm planning on taking French lessons again, it's a shame how much I've forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Spelling is overrated. ;) Of course I cheat and write in a word processor with spellchecking, then paste into post windows. This and an online dictionary enable me to appear almost literate. ;)

Truskawka said...

Thanks, I'll use it!