Monday, January 23, 2006

Sometimes there is just nothing to do

It's so lazy day... I'm at work and all of us are very very sleepy and nobody wants to do anything, unfortunatelly I don't have much work today. On the other hand I don't have anything to occupy myslef so it's quite boring. I've read newspapers and blogs and now I'm just bored. Well, I shouldn't complain, it's better than last Tuesday when I didn't even have time to sent a single sms, I had so much work. And after work I'm going to sigh the contract for our new apartment! YUPI!!! I can't wait to move in and make pics and post them here. It's so great!!!
Oh and it's soooo cold! In the morning it was -15 degrees (Celcius of course, it would be around 0 in Farenheit). I know, all of you in Poland would say it's a piece of cake. My parents told me it was -30 last night. So take care, wear worm clothes, gloves and hats and don't take your dogs for too long walks (poor Misiek).


Anonymous said...

[a pszczolka śpi...]

ech, skad ja to znam. Ja na pocieszenie w chwili nudy mam w pracy zarloczna baze danych - mozna zawsze dodac kilka rekordow, nigdy nie ma dosc... :)

A z tym zimnem, to naprawde nie przesadzaj... szczerze mowiac, jest juz tak zimno, ze nie czuje, ze JEST:)))

trzymam kciuki za zakotwiczanie w nowym mieszkanku, szczesciarze! :-*

Anonymous said...

I appreciate Fahrenheit. ;)

Truskawka said...

haha - you're welcome; I'm a little embarrassed with my English

Lims said...

me too :) jej Marta, bardzo fajnie z tym mieszkaniem :) czekamy na zdjecia :) ... a tak nam sie ostatnio, nie wiadomo skad, z Juraskiem znow wlaczyla tesknota za Falun.. niby nic, niby nic.. a to byl jednak dobry rok :) to kiedy jakas impreza w Pradze?? parapetowa?? :*