Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I just call to say I love you

Of course I started the last post from something totally different then I wanted. I just wanted to say how happy I am because Prince called me today. We talked for half an hour. It was so nice, I realized that I miss him, not in that bad way, when you're becoming crazy when your partner is not with you. No, never again those sick relationships. I miss Prince but I know we'll be very soon together and we'll be more happy that we're together then if we wouldn't be apart. And I don't have anything to be afraid of because I trust him.
When he called me I realized that I actually miss him, 'cause I didn't have time for that, to think about that. And I realized how much I'd like to kiss him. It was so nice to hear his voice :)

p.s. The person who gave him a new computer game will be punished for that crime :)

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