Monday, August 20, 2007

Loneliness as a redemtion

The weekend was awful. For the first time I wanted it to be over to go to work and talk to people. It's not much better today but at least I'm not alone in the apartment. OK, I haven't spend the whole weekend alone in the apartment but it was still very hard.
I joined Ade and some other people on Friday, we had a few drinks at Noel's and then we went to a party by the river, in Zlute Lazne. It was OK. It was nice with the river right there, we were sitting on the pier chatting. I came back home quite late so Saturday was a lazy day. I went to Vysehrad, where I met a friend of a friend. It was nice. I needed to talk to someone. But that was short and I was too tired to join Ade & co. for a boat party that they planned. And yesterday was another lonely day. I went to church and cleaned the kitchen (finally!) but I was done around 4pm. And I had nothing else to do. I didn't want to go to Vysehrad again. It was too hot for skating and too cold for swimming. I wasn't in a mood for any movie either. It was a bad day.
Fortunately today is a new day. Not that it's much better. I'm still depressed. People are going to karaoke but I don't like it and I'm not in a mood for a big party. But Lida and Andrea are in town so maybe I'll go out somewhere. I don't know myself what I want. (That's not new, should get used to it.)
I need to find me some new friends, see some new faces. But when you're not a student any more, it seems extremely difficult.
I'm such an idiot! I need a brain surgery. Or better heart surgery!
This should a good time, a redemption time! But I'm not able to make use of it without someone to share this time with. Which makes no sense because I was supposed to be alone and enjoy it!


Elizabeth said...

Hi Marta... Sorry things are so tough right now. I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help.

Truskawka said...

Thank you very much :)
I just need to learn how everything from the beginning. It will be fine, just have to get used to it.
Hope you're doing well.

Anonymous said...

Friend: Don't worry, be happy!:0)