Friday, April 06, 2007

Post Falun meeting

Marysia came to town so we had a little get together in the evening. And imagine, even Honza came from Brno. He was actually complaining that I'm not writting on my blog, so I decided not to give him more reasons to complain. On the other hand, it's just one side efford. You all could send an email from time to time or something.
So yesterday there was Marysia, Vladka and Honza, Olga S., Lida, Lukas and me and later my Prince showed up (he met with Ann first who came from Berlin for a few days). I had fun, I hope you all had a good time too.
Honza had some brilliant ideas i.e. the way for Lida to live cheaply in Prague is to become my kangaroo :) We first discussed the possibility of her being our dog, but she is too big for yorki and we'd have to walk her to the park and so on. Kanagroo is much better.
Honza had some more ideas like this, but I can't remember them. I've been trying to remember one think, he said, but I cannot. It was an example of his beautiful logic.
I was laughing a lot, it was almost like being in Sweden again, only the beer was cheaper.
Lukas drove us home - thank you :)
At home, Prince made us some dinner. It was delicious. He even shared his swedish blueberry soup with us. Mniam mniam.
And we went to bed.
This morning I really did not want to wake up, but I did, took a shower (I was still half asleep and used soap to wash my hair instead of shampoo - they were standing next to each other). I don't have a headache or anything like this, I'm just tired.
Lida seemed fine too. Also tired, but besides that ok.
Prince felt terrible. Headache, weir stomach and something else that I foregot. Biedactwo. And he didn't even drink rum with us.

Today we're going to M&M's for a game night. I will suck. They want to play "Trivia pursuit" or something like that. I'm not good in trivia knowledge when I'm in good shape, but today it will be a diseaster with my brain not working very well.

I hope it's enough for Honza to be satisfied. I will try to post some pics from Amsterdam this weekend (I foregot about that).

Take care and Veseli Velkonoce :))


Anonymous said...

We will see if I can be satisfied with your regular posting ...

Anonymous said...

Kangaroo: Hej, hur mor du?
Do we have any pictures from "Post Falun Meeting" or...If I rememer it well soemone was making pictures..

Anonymous said...

Yes, somebody took some pictures. I will send you them.
BTW: From when can kangaroo type and read?

Anonymous said...

Kangaroo: I am able to read because I have got so smart godfather...try to guess who is it...:-)

Anonymous said...

Kangarro has very nice skin ... :) be carefull :)

Truskawka said...

Kangaroo, a little gift is waiting for you in our place for the next time you'll stay with us, to make you feel more at home :)
Don't worry about Bolek, I will protect you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, there is a gift for me in my new part time place?:) I am comming...Thank you for protecting me...Bolek is talking about kangaroo's nice skin? UWAGA! Do not let him to make a hearthrug from my hairs..Did you see my innocent face? (situlin.bloguje)