Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Camping is fun

I appologize for a long break: work was quite busy lately. And I usually leave earlier than after 8 hours so.... And when I come home, the last thing I want to do is stearing at the computer screen again.
Weekend was great. We went camping, the weather sucked (they had said it would be 25 degrees on Saturday, it was aroung 18 and it rained most of the time) but it was great! I enjoyed every minute, every meter we walked (even with huuuge blisters on my feet), and we walked around 25 kilometers on Saturday. I'm not used to sleeping in a tent so I was freezing at nights and extremelly uncomfortable. But it was great! I'll try to write more, when my Prince will decide to download pics. He will be angry again that I'm posting them first haha.
I needed some time outside the city. Cities can be very very tiring and depressing. We both relaxed and survived without a single fight :)
So that's it for now, I'm going home (I need to clean this huge mess - I made a pile of things from camping in the middle of our bedroom).


Anonymous said...

Busy at work but leaving earlier???Sounds like contradiction ...
Anyway, thank you for update :)

Truskawka said...

My whole life is one big cotradiction. So for me it's possible :)

Anonymous said...

I see :)