Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cultural differences suck

I was thinking what to write about. I don't have anything to do today at work, I've read newspapers, checked email and.... I'm bored. On the other hand nothing really happened. I am recovering from Budapest's lack of sleep. Actually on Monday I had even less sleep than usually. Our friend left to UK. It was very sad. Her father has a brain tumor so she decided she wants to be with him. We went for a dinner. And next month Elizabeth is leaving... I was trying to compare it to Sweden but maybe because we all knew from the very beginning that it's just for a year, it was easier. I hope she will be fine and that we'll see her again.

We had very interesting discussion at that night about Czech and American women. My conclusion was that American women are with men for money and Czech (and that would be the same for Polish) for just being with someone they want to be. Sometimes I notice that for Prince some aspects of the relationship are more like transaction: you want something from me, but what will I have in exchange. I can't understand that. When one of our friend said: "American women treat sex a currency", I was thinking about that and thinking and I cannot figure it out. We have more differences than I thought.


Anonymous said...

Not all American women are as you fear. I submit that a nearly equal ratio of this kind of person exists in any culture. The USA, being a large country, therefore has a large number of this type. Rest assured that women, who share the motivation you attribute to Czech and Polish women, exist here too. I married one. :) Your observation perhaps has more to do with the nature of R. than the nature of American women.

Truskawka said...

Actually, those weren't my observations. Mostly it was what American guys were saying. Maybe they had a bad experience. I know only how women are here. And that their opinions seems very strange to me.
I am more afraid of what we call "consumption culture" in relation to America. But that's a whole new story.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they did have bad experiences. Or perhaps I am simply lucky or naïve. :) I shall nevertheless count myself fortunate to have found someone who is not motivated by such things. :)

Consumer culture...



...a discussion for another time then.

Rob said...

In my defense, I'm not the one who said American women use sex as currency. An American acquaintance actually made that statement, and I agreed that yes, it is often true. Of course, stereotypes don't apply to everyone, but they are stereotypes for a reason, namely, that a large number of people do (or are) something that can then be stereotyped.
And yes, tacitus, you are lucky, as am I. :)
Even if I do tend to view too many things as transactions - too many years in retail hell, perhaps? ;)