Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A year older


That was the first thing I heard this morning and it was very sweet. Generally, the whole day is cool except I'm sick. But at least I'm working from home (meaning: checking email every half an hour, 'cause there is nothing to do).


Anonymous said... ja sie chetnie przylacze do urodzinowych okrzykow 'na czesc':)))
mnostwa pieknych porankow, Martus... takich, kiedy budzimy sie z przekonaniem, ze nie ma dla nas nic niemozliwego, ale rowniez takich, kiedy nie trzeba pojsc do pracy:)

usciski i buziaki Z-Wiadomej-Okazji

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Marta!


minivan soapbox said...

Happy Birthday from us...Americans!!

Truskawka said...

Thank you :) Very much :)

And I thought nobody read this any more, there was no comments for a few weeks, I guess Bolek does not have Internet.

Truskawka said...

And I guess I need to make another post about Americans. I don't mean to be anti-American, although I know sometimes it sounds like it. There are just some things about America I don't agree with. But that's the story for another post and now Im working from home, 'cause I'm sick, Prince is also sick - trying to sleep but soon will want his computer, so I need to do as much work as possible.
SO, I'm sorry for all anti-American comments. I do like America and Americans :)

lims said...

ojej , znow sie spoznilam...
wszystkiego co najpiekniejsze :)

Anonymous said...

I am alive, but not having time for comments :( Sorry.