Christmas was wonderfull. Everything was great: the crown familly, the palace (it's actually very close to being a palace), the places we went to (Williamsburg, Jameestown, DC). It was also very different and didn't feel like Christmas at all, party because of the weather. Here it was simillar, but we went on the boat:

It was strange without Chrismas Eve, big dinner and 20 people. Nonetheless, it was great.
On the New Year's Eve we went for a dinner to the best restaurant in the world, called Pacific Rim, and we had a flaming volcano drink :) We also had some delicious food. Then we came back to Mike and Kerrie's for a nice evening. We almost missed midnight :D We were smoking and realized that it was midninght just a little bit too late. It was great to meet Mike and Kerrie, after I heard so much about them. Their daughter Andy is sooooo cute.
I had a great time, very relaxing, out of the cities, out of Prague, which was nice.
I discovered that there is Warszawa in Virginia:

I would put some more pics but I'm having issues, so some other time.
After we came back, I had crazy time at work with the new 2 folks in my team. But I like it, the atmosphere is nice and I like all the 3 of them. This Thursday I also went for a party with people from work and it was great! I had such a good time. Maybe because I feel more comfortable speaking Czech, maybe because of the music (I was dancing - and I haven't danced for almost a year probably), maybe because it wasn't planned. I don't know, but I had a great time. Now I'm going to join people from work more often.
Welcome back Marta. Thank you very much for your post :)
It is really nice to know at least something about you and Rob.
No wreszcie!
Fajna lodeczka:) jaki dumny zeglarz z Ciebie...
Moze takie postanowienie noworoczne: wczuc sie w tych, co niecierpliwie czekaja na post...
hm?? :)))
hahaha no maile tez istnieja... ja pisze o sobie, ale nie wiem, co sie u Was dzieje - i to jest sprawiedliwe??
hmmmmm... poniekad masz racje... no wstydze sie po prostu i ide do kata:)
a jak stamtad wroce, napisze co nieco, zebys nie byla pokrzywdzona:)
(a fotki made in usa bb fajne - a ta choinka bajkowa!)
:) przylaczam sie do okrzykow zachwytu :)
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