On Sunday we went to Petrin and Hradcany. When I woke up, I thought we'll have to stay home because of the weather - it was all grey and rainy. Luckily, after two hours it got sunny and really nice. I met with Janas, which was very nice. I miss all my friends from Poland... But...so after Hradcany we came back home, ate some lunch and headed to the center. We hoped to sit in some nice restaurant, drink some beer (especially my dad) and maybe eat something later. You won't believe: everything was full!!! With Polish tourists mainly! It made me frustrated and we got into a little fight with my Prince, but it wasn't anything serious. So after a nice walk from Nove Mesto to stare Mesto and almost Josefov, we went back home and had a nice dinner at home: home made pierogi from my mum (it's kind of like ravioli but bigger...or smaller..I can't remember, and with white cheese, potatoes and onion inside) and fried cheese. It was delicious!
Monday was chilling out a little bit on Vysehrad. We had to do some shopping also (mainly alcohol - they love Beherovka which you can't get in Poland). And we went for lunch to the Budvar place (U Medviku for those who are not custom to our names like "the Soup place", "the Dirty place"). At least there were places for us. So we had lunch, went home, walked the dog, they started packing and after some time we went to our local for dinner.
Tuesday morning they left. And that's when I was so knackered. Actually Rob and I. But it was fun weekend. It was great to see them and to show all our places here, in Praha.
So that's why I didn't have time to post. On Tuesday I needed to rest, Wednesday I went shopping with Andrea (I bought some spring / summer clothes and spend more than half of the money from taxes) and yesterday we went for a dinner with Courtney and Ade. I learned what does it mean ditzy :)
And some pictures from the last weekend:

Me and my mum at Petrin
My familly in front of the castle
Rob, my sister, me and my dad at Vysehrad
My mum, me, my sister and Rob at Vysehrad
My dad at our local.
Me and Rob at our local.
Thanks for the update! It's so awesome that your family came to visit you. It sounds like you had a great time. :) I miss you!! Keep posting!
And where is your dog? I can´t see him at pictures ... :(
What happened? Again without update :(
Well, something to smile, or cry?
Moherowy beret sobie włóż
i przy radiu stój jak anioł stróż.
Pokaż im, jak Polakiem być,
Pokaż, jak uczciwie z Bogiem można żyć.
hahaha skad to wiales?? Jak bede miec troszke luzu w pracy to cos napisze
Wydawalo mi sie ze macie internet takze w domu.
Oj mamy, ale Pan i Wladca nie za czest mi daje siasc do komputera w domu :)
Po 8h przed monitorem w pracy, ostatnia rzecz na jaka mamm ochote po powrocie do domu to spedzanie czesu przed komuputerem, wiec wybaczcie.
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