Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I can always make you listen

I know that I kinda stopped writing but I was busy at work. Not any more, so I will try to catch up. If you will ever open this page again after such a long silence. We'll see.

So... let's start from the back.
Yesterday we went to a concert as a part of the Fringe Festival. It originated in Edinburgh but now it's organized in many other places, maybe even on the other side of the pond. So the concert. It was brilliant. If you will ever have a chance to see or hear Andi Neate, don't hesitate. It's been a while since I've been to such a good concert. I even bought two albums, which I usually don't do.
We have more shows, basically one every night until Sunday. It's fun and most importantly it's all in English so we can see some plays.

What else? We've been to Vienna. I enjoyed it a lot. Although the architecture is weird, because it was all build in the same time, so it's different than cities I'm used to. For example it doesn't have an old town (old meaning Middle Ages or similar). You can see some pics on my Facebooks, I might have put them also to the Photoblog, but to be honest I don't remember.

The work has been weird. I became friends with two girls (French and Swiss) which is nice but on the other hand I'm getting more and more fed up with my job. My manager always promises me change but nothing ever happens. So I may just wait trough the summer and find something new in the fall. It was a huge mistake that we didn't move this summer because we are both miserable at our jobs. But somebody missed a deadline... Maybe it was meant to be.

It's time to go home now. Keep your eyes open for the next post :) And write me sometimes.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I posted some pics from the trip to the castle last week. Check out my photo blog. And you can expect some more next week, since we're going to Vienna on Thursday.
Except for that I had the worst day in a long time. Anything more would be tmi. Enough is to say that I had stomach problems. And the reason is of course Sahra and Sophie, who I become friends recently. But they are just bad influence! And I love them, they are so much fun!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Pierwszy dlugi weekend

1.05: Festival Proti Rasismu na na Císařské louce
2.05: wycieczka na
Hrad Bezděz
3.05: Iron Man + Plzeňský restaurant Anděl
4.05: Pierwszy dzien roku w sandalach; Zawody w skokach na koniach i ognisko, Divoká Šárka