Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Only 2 days left
Is there anything else going on...? We're having a wave of people giving their resignations at work (end of the month). I wonder who will be next. Actually, I am pretty sure I know two others. I would probably start looking for something else by now but we are talking about moving to Scotland so it doesn't really make sense to change the job for half a year or a year. Especially that nobody will pay me as well as here (I am the manager after all). And it's better to have more experience in one company than to change too many times.
OK, need to go for my English class.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Another day in the corporate world
Except for that, nothing new is going on. We went out Tuesday to watch rugby. Scotland won 42:0 with Romania! WOW!!!!
Yesterday, I went out with work, as usual to say goodbye to someone. This time it was a Polish girl who was here in Prague just temporarily until she received her work permit in France. She just got it and is moving to Paris.
And that's all. I'm going to go early to bed tonight. Before maybe watch Buffy. And do nothing except reading.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Nic to, trzeba popracowac (chociaz teraz nie bardzo mam co robic, ale za chwile ide do lekarza, a jak wroce to cos tu na pewno bedzie).
Friday, September 14, 2007
Zyd przed wojna
"- To wam powiem: oni byli kiedyś poglądowo bardzo czerwoni, ten Izaak Halber i ona.
- A to, że Żydzi?
- Kogo to tam teraz obchodzi, kto był Żydem przed wojną?"
Mloda para przed kosciolem
Ach, ta milosc
Mart (tak mnie nazwala moja partnerka)
Ja, Kamil (nowo odkryty kuzyn, bo juz z mlodszego pokolenia), Monika i Artur, Mloda, Tomek, czyli nasza szczesliwa rodzinka. Jak to dobrze, ze mam takia fajna rodzinke. Na centralnym miejscu, oczywiscie, wisniowka domowej roboty Matki Teresy.
Monika, Mloda Para, Mloda i Kamil - czyz nie sa piekni?
A tutaj moja urocza partnerka z wesela. Niestety, zachowala sie nikczemnie i bawila sie z jakimis mezczyznami zostawiajac swojego Marta na pastwe losu (a dokladniej kuzynow i nalewek).
Zdjec jest bardzo duzo, nie bede sie wszystkimi dzielic. Jak widac, wszyscy bawilismy sie super. Najlepsze wesele w mim zyciu. Do tego mojego ulubionego kuzyna. Wiekszosc czasu spedzilam gadajac z rodzinka, ktorej dawno nie widzialam. Chociaz nie powiem, na parkiecie tez sie pojawialam. Pod koniec zaciagnelam Tatusia, ktory drugiego dnia bardzo narzekal, ze go tak zmeczylysmy (wszystkie jego 3 kobiety), ze chodzic nie moze. Moral z tego plynie taki, ze albo nalezy trenowac czesciej, albo nie plodzic dwoch takich corek :)
Poza tematem wesela musze dodac, ze dom mnie zauroczyl. Widzialam, jak rodzice sa szczesliwi. W koncu im sie udalo. Na prawde zrobili kawal dobrej roboty wykanczajac ten dom. Bardzo mi sie podoba i czuje sie dobrze, jak w domu. Tylko jedna rzecz mi sie tam nie podoba: schody. Sa bardzo sliskie i nawyrazniej mnie nie lubia, bo jak w poniedzialek ze wszystkimi gratami schodzilam na dol, to jeden mi gdzies uciekl spod nog i spadlam na leb naszyje. Bolalo, nadal boli, musze sie z nimi policzyc nastepnym razem. Macie jakis pomysl jak sie odplacic?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Hi back
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Slodka rozlaka - nie rozlaka
Mieszkamy juz osobno, od niedzieli. Jest nawet fajnie. Tym bardziej, ze ja w tym nowym miejscu tylko spie jak na razie. Jest to o wiele lepsze rozwiazanie od poprzedniego miesiaca, gdy nie moglismy sie spotkac. Teraz wiem, ze gdy bede w zlym nastroju, moge do ukochanego zadzwonic i on przyjdzie i mnie ukolysze do snu :) A poza tym te randki to fajne sa :) Bo ja przeciez nigdy nie mialam takich zwyczajnych randek, kina i kolacji itp itd. Zawsze to jakos bylo bardziej skomplikowane. A teraz jest fajnie :)
Monday, September 03, 2007
The fall is comming
Except for that, I moved yesterday. My new room is very nice, big and smacked in the middle of Vinohrady, which is extremely convenient for meeting people. Except that my life is centered around Andel and Karlovo Namesti. But it's still ok. I met Ade yesterday for dinner and it was perfect: less than 5 minute walk. And it's also around 5 minutes walk to Prince. Yes, we did not break up. We're still together. But we are going to have a "romantic" moth with dates and stuff. And more time to think. Keep you fingers crossed that it works!
The place is very nice and quite big. There are 3 bedrooms, 2 kind of connected but kind of separate. I sleep in one of them. There is a kitchen with a couch and a balcony! The balcony is small but it doesn't matter - it's a balcony! There are 2 guys living there: Czech and American. They seem nice. We will see, I'm not planning to spend too much time there and have time to become friend but who knows.
I should go back to work, but to be honest, I don't have anything to do. My team got smaller again: we're only 3 me, L. and T. So L. is also on the Internet and T. is working. It's good for him - he is normally the lazy and slow one. He should learn more responsibility :) So that I can chill out!
My dad is amazing! I'm going to Poland this weekend for the wedding. I'm going by bus to Warszawa. This time I didn't want to be a burden so I told my dad that there is no need to come and pick me. I also spoke with Kris who promised to drive me home. So it's all set up. Even if something happens and Kris cannot come, there are tones of trains. I explained this to my dad. But he cannot believe me. Every other day he asks me if I am sure, if I will be ok, because he really can come to pick me up. It's very nice but I am a big girl and can handle 160km. And I really don't want him to come always - he would have to get up very early and it's quite tiring especially for him. So we will see how I will get home. The last time I planned to go by train, my bus had problems, it was a few hours delayed and my dad came to Warszawa. Hopefully this time everything will be ok.