Thursday, July 26, 2007
Siedem obciachów architektury
I'm quite busy this week but I have to post this. I found a few minutes today to have a look at the paper I like, Wyborcza. Yes, it's Polish and it is in Polish. So I don't really know why I'm writing in English; it just feels like it. So there is an article "Siedem obciachow architektury" (Seven shames of architecture) with THIS picture. My old church. It is really terrible building. And inside it's not better. It's really hard to pray in this building!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Juz piatek!
Do dupy ten dzien byl. Strasznie duzo ludzi mnie wkurzylo. Ale to nic, to tylko praca.
Najgorsze, ze slucham Trojeczki, a tam graja z Jarocina i tak mi smutno, ze mnie tam nie ma. Dzisiaj gra Hey. Wlasnie leci Teksanski... klasyka. Dawne czasy sie przypominaja. Nostalgia i tesknota. Wczesniej byl koncet Dzemu. Nie to, co kiedys, z innym wokalista, ale coz, lepsze to niz nic. Wlasnie powtarzaja... Ale bym teraz chciala byc w Jarocinie. Sprobuje w przyszlym roku. Musze tylko sobie uswiadomic troszke wczesniej niz dzien przed poczatkiem, zebym mogla zorganizowac transport. Tym bardziej, ze nie wiem, gdzie za rok bede mieszkac.
Z jednej strony zebralabym sie do domu, ale z drugiej tu mi gra Trojeczka, a tam nie. Z drugiej tam jest Ksieciunio. Juz jest lepiej o niebo lepiej. Mimo tego, ze oboje mielismy stresujacy tydzien. Ja tylko dzisiaj musze sie jakos trzymac, zeby nie wybuchnac. Poszlabym na basen, ale nie mam rzeczy ze soba, a wracac sie do domu i dopiero na basen to bez sensu. Jutro sie wybieram, o ile bedzie pogoda. Wracajac do tematu, w domu spokojniej. I nawet dostalam kwiatuszki przed wczoraj. Chyba czekamy, az Ksieciunio wyjedzie. A moze nie. Ja juz mysle, ze sie bede czuc samotna. Z drugiej strony nie bedzie mi sie spieszylo do domu, wiec bede chodzic na basen. Po drugie, w zwiazku z tym, ze nie bedziemy jesc razem (co trudno byloby zorganizowac w zwiazku z tym, ze bedziemy przebywac na innych kontynentach), nie bede gotowac, i moge spokojnie zaczac jakas diete. Jasne, tak sie ludze.
Najgorsze, ze slucham Trojeczki, a tam graja z Jarocina i tak mi smutno, ze mnie tam nie ma. Dzisiaj gra Hey. Wlasnie leci Teksanski... klasyka. Dawne czasy sie przypominaja. Nostalgia i tesknota. Wczesniej byl koncet Dzemu. Nie to, co kiedys, z innym wokalista, ale coz, lepsze to niz nic. Wlasnie powtarzaja... Ale bym teraz chciala byc w Jarocinie. Sprobuje w przyszlym roku. Musze tylko sobie uswiadomic troszke wczesniej niz dzien przed poczatkiem, zebym mogla zorganizowac transport. Tym bardziej, ze nie wiem, gdzie za rok bede mieszkac.
Z jednej strony zebralabym sie do domu, ale z drugiej tu mi gra Trojeczka, a tam nie. Z drugiej tam jest Ksieciunio. Juz jest lepiej o niebo lepiej. Mimo tego, ze oboje mielismy stresujacy tydzien. Ja tylko dzisiaj musze sie jakos trzymac, zeby nie wybuchnac. Poszlabym na basen, ale nie mam rzeczy ze soba, a wracac sie do domu i dopiero na basen to bez sensu. Jutro sie wybieram, o ile bedzie pogoda. Wracajac do tematu, w domu spokojniej. I nawet dostalam kwiatuszki przed wczoraj. Chyba czekamy, az Ksieciunio wyjedzie. A moze nie. Ja juz mysle, ze sie bede czuc samotna. Z drugiej strony nie bedzie mi sie spieszylo do domu, wiec bede chodzic na basen. Po drugie, w zwiazku z tym, ze nie bedziemy jesc razem (co trudno byloby zorganizowac w zwiazku z tym, ze bedziemy przebywac na innych kontynentach), nie bede gotowac, i moge spokojnie zaczac jakas diete. Jasne, tak sie ludze.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dzisiaj rano wpadlam na pomysl, zeby posluchac mojej ulubionej Trojeczki on-line. Nawet bez problemu sie tam dostalam i gra mi milutko caly dzien. Aczkolwiek jest jeden problem - uslyszalam, ze Jarocin bedzie, wyszukalam stronke, weszlam no i sie troszke zasmucialam, bo zaczyna sie jutro. Ale co tam, graja super zespoly, moze sie uda pojechac. No i ze 3 godziny szukalam polaczenia, zeby sie dostac do Jarocina na festiwal i potem wrocic do pracy w poniedzialek rano. Niestety, dojechac by mi sie udalo, ale juz z powrotem bylby problem. A juz sie umowilam z Mloda i wszysko. Fajnie by bylo.... Ale nie moge sobie podarowac 2 dni pracy, zwlaszcza proszac o urlop pol dnia wczesniej. Do tego nie bardzo z kasa.
Na szczescie Jarocin nie jest jedynym festiwalem w PL, chociaz najbardziej kultowym i na prawde zespoly super graja (HEY, Armia, Dezerter, Myslovitz, Trebunie Tutki, itp itd... zobaczcie sobie sami tutaj). Ale skoro nie da rady, to nie da rady. Tak wiec sprobujemy sie z Mloda wybrac na Przystanek Woodstock. Wiekszosci zespolow nie znam, ale to sie nie liczy. Liczy sie atmosfera. Tylko bede musiala Mloda poprosic, zeby moje glany zabrala, bo bez tego sie nie obejdzie. Wydaje mi sie, ze atmosfera moze byc fajniejsza, bardziej wyluzowana. Chociaz nadal nie wiem, jak tam dotre, ale cos wykombinuje. Trzymajcie kciuki.
A teraz na Tara-Fuki!
Na szczescie Jarocin nie jest jedynym festiwalem w PL, chociaz najbardziej kultowym i na prawde zespoly super graja (HEY, Armia, Dezerter, Myslovitz, Trebunie Tutki, itp itd... zobaczcie sobie sami tutaj). Ale skoro nie da rady, to nie da rady. Tak wiec sprobujemy sie z Mloda wybrac na Przystanek Woodstock. Wiekszosci zespolow nie znam, ale to sie nie liczy. Liczy sie atmosfera. Tylko bede musiala Mloda poprosic, zeby moje glany zabrala, bo bez tego sie nie obejdzie. Wydaje mi sie, ze atmosfera moze byc fajniejsza, bardziej wyluzowana. Chociaz nadal nie wiem, jak tam dotre, ale cos wykombinuje. Trzymajcie kciuki.
A teraz na Tara-Fuki!
Reality better than plans
The plan did not quite work yesterday. I got home before 6, I had bought something delicious (raspberries to make smoothie) but Prince was still there so I couldn't just chill out. I did the dishes. I didn't clean all the clothes. I watched most of the movie (Jasminum), but Prince came back before it was finished. But we had a very nice dinner, I think: chicken with mint, potatoes and tomatoes. And then smoothie as a desert. And some wine. Miam mniam. Even if the plan didn't quite work, it was a very nice evening.
And today I'm going to see Tara Fuki with Lida, Jirka, maybe Ade and Prince. It will be fun. Especially that they are playing on the island - Strelecky Ostrov.
And today I'm going to see Tara Fuki with Lida, Jirka, maybe Ade and Prince. It will be fun. Especially that they are playing on the island - Strelecky Ostrov.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Evening plans
It's kind of a boring day. Nothing happened. I was thinking about going to see a movie (either Inland Empire by David Lynch or czech Vratné lahve) but I changed my mind. Our apartment is a total mess, we haven't had the time to do the dishes for at least 3 days so it's a disaster area. Also, yesterday we went to a concert (after I went to the swimming pool with Lida) and tomorrow I'm also going out, maybe I will convince Prince to go with me. So the only day to clean and just enjoy a calm evening at home is today.
The plan is:
1. go shopping on the way home and get something delicious
2. get home early, before 6 if possible
3. do the dishes as quickly as possible
3. clean all the clothes and other crap lying everywhere
4. cook something delicious
5. watch a good, optimistic movie, probably Jasminum, with dinner and the delicious thing bought earlier
Tomorrow I'll let you know if it worked. It's after 5 already, so I have to get going.
The plan is:
1. go shopping on the way home and get something delicious
2. get home early, before 6 if possible
3. do the dishes as quickly as possible
3. clean all the clothes and other crap lying everywhere
4. cook something delicious
5. watch a good, optimistic movie, probably Jasminum, with dinner and the delicious thing bought earlier
Tomorrow I'll let you know if it worked. It's after 5 already, so I have to get going.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Opět byli vyhlašováni vítězové každoroční Ceny Stelly.
Cena je pojmenována podle 81ti leté Stelly Liebeck, která se kdysi polila kávou a úspěšně za to nechala odsoudit McDonalda. Tento případ inspiroval ke každoročnímu vyhodnocení nejkurioznějších a nejúspěšnějších soudních případů v USA.
Bohužel se do loňského hodnocení nedostala současná kampaň teenagerů, kteří nyní houfně žalují McDonaldy, že po jídle u nich ztloustli.
~*~ *~*~*~
5. místo (dělené)
Kathleen Robertsonová z Austinu, Texas, vysoudila $780,000 za zlomený kotník v nábytkářském obchodě, kde zakopla „…o pobíhajícího spratka“.
Majitelé obchodu byli rozsudkem dosti překvapeni, protože ten předmětný spratek byl syn paní Robertsonové.
~*~ *~*~*~
5. místo (dělené)
19ti letý Carl Truman z Los Angeles, Kalifornie, získal $74,000 + léčebné výlohy, když mu jeho soused přejel ruku vozidlem Honda Accord.
Pan Truman si zřejmě nevšiml, že někdo sedí za volantem právě toho vozu, ze kterého kradl poklice.
~*~ *~*~*~
5. místo (dělené)
Terrence Dickson z Bristolu, Pennsylvanie, opouštěl přes garáž dům, který právě vykradl. Nepodařilo se mu ale otevřít dveře garáže, protože vypovědělo automatické otevírání. Zpátky do domu se taky vrátit nemohl, protože si zaklapl spojovací dveře z garáže do bytu.
Majitelé domu byli na dovolené a tak zůstal p. Dickson uvězněn v garáži 8 dní a přežil jen díky zásobě Pepsi a velkému pytli psích granulí.
Od vlastníka domu pak vysoudil náhradu za duševní újmu ve výši $500,000.
4. místo
Jerry Williams z Little Rocku, Arkansas, získal $14,500 + úhradu nákladů léčení, když byl napaden sousedovým psem beaglem.
Pes byl na řetězu a za plotem – tedy na dvorku svého pána.
Vysouzená náhrada byla poměrně nízká, protože porotě přece jen připadal ten pes poněkud vyprovokován, vzhledem k tomu, že p. Williams lezl přes plot na onen sousedův dvorek a po psovi opakovaně pálil ze vzduchovky.
3. místo
Filadelfská restaurace musela zaplatit panu Amberu Carsonovi z Lancasteru, Pennsylvania, náhradu ve výši $113,500 poté, co v podniku uklouzl na rozlité limonádě a zlomil si kostrč.
Limonáda se na podlahu dostala několik vteřin před popsaným incidentem, kdy ji p. Carson chrstl do obličete svému příteli během poněkud ostřejší výměny názorů.
~*~ *~*~*~ 2. místo
Kara Waltonová z Claymontu, Dealaware, vysoudila na nočním klubu v sousedním městě náhradu za to, že při vylézání z okna záchodu spadla na zem a vyrazila si dva přední zuby.
Stalo se tak proto, že pí. Waltonová se pokušela utéct ze záchodu bez zaplacení poplatku $3.50. Získala náhradu $12,000 + náklady na zubaře.
~*~ *~*~*~1. místo
Vítězem letošní soutěže byl p. Merv Grazinski z Oklahomy. Ten si koupil zcela nový obytný vůz Winnebago. Při cestě domů z fotbalového zápasu vjel na dálnici, nastavil automat na 130 km/hod, přelezl ze sedadla řidiče do obytné části a vařil si kávu.
Nebylo pak divu, že vůz opustil dálnici, havaroval a převrátil se. P. Grazinski se tudíž soudil s výrobcem, že v návodu k obsluze vozidla nebylo výslovně uvedeno, že toto se nesmí.Porota mu přiřkla náhradu $1,750,000 plus zcela nový Winnebago Motor Home.
Výrobce pak skutečně v tomto smyslu upravil návod k ovládání vozidla pro případ, že by se na světě vyskytl ještě další úplný blbec a naneštěstí si opět koupil jejich vůz.
To je opravdu možné jen v Americe…
I'm sorry that it's only in Czech but it's too long to translate during such a hot day. As I mentioned before, we should all learn new languages :)
Cena je pojmenována podle 81ti leté Stelly Liebeck, která se kdysi polila kávou a úspěšně za to nechala odsoudit McDonalda. Tento případ inspiroval ke každoročnímu vyhodnocení nejkurioznějších a nejúspěšnějších soudních případů v USA.
Bohužel se do loňského hodnocení nedostala současná kampaň teenagerů, kteří nyní houfně žalují McDonaldy, že po jídle u nich ztloustli.
~*~ *~*~*~
5. místo (dělené)
Kathleen Robertsonová z Austinu, Texas, vysoudila $780,000 za zlomený kotník v nábytkářském obchodě, kde zakopla „…o pobíhajícího spratka“.
Majitelé obchodu byli rozsudkem dosti překvapeni, protože ten předmětný spratek byl syn paní Robertsonové.
~*~ *~*~*~
5. místo (dělené)
19ti letý Carl Truman z Los Angeles, Kalifornie, získal $74,000 + léčebné výlohy, když mu jeho soused přejel ruku vozidlem Honda Accord.
Pan Truman si zřejmě nevšiml, že někdo sedí za volantem právě toho vozu, ze kterého kradl poklice.
~*~ *~*~*~
5. místo (dělené)
Terrence Dickson z Bristolu, Pennsylvanie, opouštěl přes garáž dům, který právě vykradl. Nepodařilo se mu ale otevřít dveře garáže, protože vypovědělo automatické otevírání. Zpátky do domu se taky vrátit nemohl, protože si zaklapl spojovací dveře z garáže do bytu.
Majitelé domu byli na dovolené a tak zůstal p. Dickson uvězněn v garáži 8 dní a přežil jen díky zásobě Pepsi a velkému pytli psích granulí.
Od vlastníka domu pak vysoudil náhradu za duševní újmu ve výši $500,000.
4. místo
Jerry Williams z Little Rocku, Arkansas, získal $14,500 + úhradu nákladů léčení, když byl napaden sousedovým psem beaglem.
Pes byl na řetězu a za plotem – tedy na dvorku svého pána.
Vysouzená náhrada byla poměrně nízká, protože porotě přece jen připadal ten pes poněkud vyprovokován, vzhledem k tomu, že p. Williams lezl přes plot na onen sousedův dvorek a po psovi opakovaně pálil ze vzduchovky.
3. místo
Filadelfská restaurace musela zaplatit panu Amberu Carsonovi z Lancasteru, Pennsylvania, náhradu ve výši $113,500 poté, co v podniku uklouzl na rozlité limonádě a zlomil si kostrč.
Limonáda se na podlahu dostala několik vteřin před popsaným incidentem, kdy ji p. Carson chrstl do obličete svému příteli během poněkud ostřejší výměny názorů.
~*~ *~*~*~ 2. místo
Kara Waltonová z Claymontu, Dealaware, vysoudila na nočním klubu v sousedním městě náhradu za to, že při vylézání z okna záchodu spadla na zem a vyrazila si dva přední zuby.
Stalo se tak proto, že pí. Waltonová se pokušela utéct ze záchodu bez zaplacení poplatku $3.50. Získala náhradu $12,000 + náklady na zubaře.
~*~ *~*~*~1. místo
Vítězem letošní soutěže byl p. Merv Grazinski z Oklahomy. Ten si koupil zcela nový obytný vůz Winnebago. Při cestě domů z fotbalového zápasu vjel na dálnici, nastavil automat na 130 km/hod, přelezl ze sedadla řidiče do obytné části a vařil si kávu.
Nebylo pak divu, že vůz opustil dálnici, havaroval a převrátil se. P. Grazinski se tudíž soudil s výrobcem, že v návodu k obsluze vozidla nebylo výslovně uvedeno, že toto se nesmí.Porota mu přiřkla náhradu $1,750,000 plus zcela nový Winnebago Motor Home.
Výrobce pak skutečně v tomto smyslu upravil návod k ovládání vozidla pro případ, že by se na světě vyskytl ještě další úplný blbec a naneštěstí si opět koupil jejich vůz.
To je opravdu možné jen v Americe…
I'm sorry that it's only in Czech but it's too long to translate during such a hot day. As I mentioned before, we should all learn new languages :)
Praski piekarnik
I guess you already realized I'm not so busy at work any more as I used to be: I have time to post on my blog every day. That's truth, but it has also negative aspects: we don't have enough work for the team and I need to get rid of some people. I have to decide who and how and when. Difficult.
I'm dying today - it's crazy hot and I went for lunch. It was a big mistake. I should have eaten fruits or yogurt as I planned. I'd feel better. On the other hand I'm going to the swimming pool today with Lida, so I thought that I should eat something normal to have energy to swim. But now I have even less energy than I would without lunch.
I will continue dying for the next 2 hours. I'm leaving early today to meet Lida. And I don't really care. It's too hot to stay here especially without work to make me busy.
I'm dying today - it's crazy hot and I went for lunch. It was a big mistake. I should have eaten fruits or yogurt as I planned. I'd feel better. On the other hand I'm going to the swimming pool today with Lida, so I thought that I should eat something normal to have energy to swim. But now I have even less energy than I would without lunch.
I will continue dying for the next 2 hours. I'm leaving early today to meet Lida. And I don't really care. It's too hot to stay here especially without work to make me busy.
Monday, July 16, 2007
I posted a lot of pictures (from Scotland, Karlovy Vary, Kutna Hora itp):
There is hope
This time in English.
Yesterday was a very bad day for our relationship. I got up in a bad mood and the it screwed up everything because Saturday was OK. Normal. And now normal is good. But yesterday was not normal. We were together but separately. I couldn't feel anything between us, it was like two random people in the same room. It was extremely hard.
In the evening my aunt called me and told me to go for a walk. So I went and it was good. I walked for over 2 hours ad thought a lot. I realized that I am behaving very stupid, not like an adult. That I'm running away from the problems. I do not control my very changeable moods. That I should finally decide what I want. And decide for good.
When I came back from the walk, it was much better, because we talked honestly. Prince agreed that it may be good for us to take some kind of a break and we had an idea that he could go to the US for some time. Especially that he is going for a wedding in August, he could prolong it. He hasn't discussed it with his parents so far, so it's nothing sure but we think it's a good idea. We would have time to think about our relationship without being together (it's very difficult now, because we live together).
We hope that a short time separately will make us realize if we really want to be with each other. And if we both decide that yes, we want to spend the rest of our lives together, we can work on the problems. Otherwise, it makes no sense to put an effort but without commitment.
All right, enough of this. We will solve it. And we will be happy - together or separately.
One more thing: Czech Rep was suddenly moved to Africa... it's crazy hot. Today it's supposed to be 39 degrees! Crazy! I cannot function normally in those conditions, it's terrible!
Yesterday was a very bad day for our relationship. I got up in a bad mood and the it screwed up everything because Saturday was OK. Normal. And now normal is good. But yesterday was not normal. We were together but separately. I couldn't feel anything between us, it was like two random people in the same room. It was extremely hard.
In the evening my aunt called me and told me to go for a walk. So I went and it was good. I walked for over 2 hours ad thought a lot. I realized that I am behaving very stupid, not like an adult. That I'm running away from the problems. I do not control my very changeable moods. That I should finally decide what I want. And decide for good.
When I came back from the walk, it was much better, because we talked honestly. Prince agreed that it may be good for us to take some kind of a break and we had an idea that he could go to the US for some time. Especially that he is going for a wedding in August, he could prolong it. He hasn't discussed it with his parents so far, so it's nothing sure but we think it's a good idea. We would have time to think about our relationship without being together (it's very difficult now, because we live together).
We hope that a short time separately will make us realize if we really want to be with each other. And if we both decide that yes, we want to spend the rest of our lives together, we can work on the problems. Otherwise, it makes no sense to put an effort but without commitment.
All right, enough of this. We will solve it. And we will be happy - together or separately.
One more thing: Czech Rep was suddenly moved to Africa... it's crazy hot. Today it's supposed to be 39 degrees! Crazy! I cannot function normally in those conditions, it's terrible!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Piekny dzien...w praacy
Dzisiaj jest slicznie: sloneczko swieci, ptaszki spiewaja :) Tylko troszke za goraco jak dla mnie w miescie, ale cos... I drugi problem to ten, ze jestem w pracy. Wszystko przez te roznice czasowe.... Ale nic to, juz skonczylam i ide do domu. A wlasciwie anjpierw do Tesco. Tak slicznie jest ze poszlabym na basen, ale tam sa na pewno tlumy. Moze jutro rano sprobuje tak ok 9.... Bo biegac to sie nie w takiej temperaturze, czlowiek by sie roztopil.
Mam nadzieje, ze u Was wszystkich tez swieci sloneczko i robicie z tego lepszy uzytek niz ja.
Mam nadzieje, ze u Was wszystkich tez swieci sloneczko i robicie z tego lepszy uzytek niz ja.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Nowy dzien, stare mysli
Cos sie dziwnego dzisiaj dzieje z tym blogiem. Probuje cos napisac, a sie nie pojawia....
Nic sie od wczoraj nie mienilo, nadal panuje tu depresja, pesymizm i brak nadziei. Moze jutro bedzie lepiej...
Chcialabym gdzies pojechac, chociaz na chwilke, na weekend, zeby odpoczac i przemyslec rozne rzeczy. I w koncu podjac decyzje, co chce zrobic ze swoim zyciem i z kim chce je spedzic. A moze wlasnie potrzebuje po prostu byc sama przez jakis czas. W koncu od kiedy skonczylam 16 lat, ciagle jestem z kims. Ciagle w powaznych zwiazkach, z wyjatkiem pol rocznej przerwy na 1szym roku studiow. Moze powinnam sie najpierw nauczyc byc sama, zeby moc byc z kims. A moze nie. Moze boje sie tak do konca zaangazowac, przed sama soba zlozyc przysiege, ze z tym wlasnie czlowiekiem chce byc do konca. I stad mi sie w glowie przewraca. W kazdym razie, musze podjac jakas decyzje, bo to co sie ostatnio dzieje, nie moze trwac, ja tego nie wytrzymam, tej nieistoty, niejasnosci, oczekiwania na jakies rozwiazanie, ktore mi spadnie z nieba.
Nic sie od wczoraj nie mienilo, nadal panuje tu depresja, pesymizm i brak nadziei. Moze jutro bedzie lepiej...
Chcialabym gdzies pojechac, chociaz na chwilke, na weekend, zeby odpoczac i przemyslec rozne rzeczy. I w koncu podjac decyzje, co chce zrobic ze swoim zyciem i z kim chce je spedzic. A moze wlasnie potrzebuje po prostu byc sama przez jakis czas. W koncu od kiedy skonczylam 16 lat, ciagle jestem z kims. Ciagle w powaznych zwiazkach, z wyjatkiem pol rocznej przerwy na 1szym roku studiow. Moze powinnam sie najpierw nauczyc byc sama, zeby moc byc z kims. A moze nie. Moze boje sie tak do konca zaangazowac, przed sama soba zlozyc przysiege, ze z tym wlasnie czlowiekiem chce byc do konca. I stad mi sie w glowie przewraca. W kazdym razie, musze podjac jakas decyzje, bo to co sie ostatnio dzieje, nie moze trwac, ja tego nie wytrzymam, tej nieistoty, niejasnosci, oczekiwania na jakies rozwiazanie, ktore mi spadnie z nieba.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Mialam cos napisac, wlasciwie juz napisalam, ale dobra duszyczka mi poradziala, ze moze lepiej nie. Moze i nie.
Co zostalo z tego postu?
Nadal czuje sie jak w klatce. Jak ptak w klatce. Ale ta klatka sie zmniejsza z kazda minuta. Kazdy wie, jak wyglada ptak przyzwyczajony do wolnosci, zlapany w klatke. Tak sie wlasnie czuje. Najgorsze, ze sama sobie ta klatke zbudowalam i sama sie w niej zamknelam.
Nevermind.... moze jutro bedzie lepiej.
Co zostalo z tego postu?
Nadal czuje sie jak w klatce. Jak ptak w klatce. Ale ta klatka sie zmniejsza z kazda minuta. Kazdy wie, jak wyglada ptak przyzwyczajony do wolnosci, zlapany w klatke. Tak sie wlasnie czuje. Najgorsze, ze sama sobie ta klatke zbudowalam i sama sie w niej zamknelam.
Nevermind.... moze jutro bedzie lepiej.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Another boring day
I don't really have anything to write about but I spoke with Marysia today and she told me she is proud of my long posts. So I don't want to disappoint her.
Today is a very nice day. I done nothing! I worked for the first hour and then all the clients were kind of quiet, two team members were taking care of anything there was to do, so I read blogs, visited myspaces of some friends, read newspaper, watch videos (news).... And then I had an English class, I was the only one there for the first 20 minutes, then one other person came so we had a conversation class. It was a lot of fun. Not that I tough so much, I have "conversation classes" every day at home, but it was nice and relaxing. Then I went for a coffee. And here I am, waiting for a conference call, that I will just have to listen. After that we're going to a party: a girl is leaving the company.
I spoke with my parents yesterday. They are all happy about the house. They almost finished everything. The only main thing left are doors, it's supposed to be done the next week I think. I'm so happy for them, that they made it!
I hope this time I will not crush my glasses during the party! Keep your fingers crossed :)
Today is a very nice day. I done nothing! I worked for the first hour and then all the clients were kind of quiet, two team members were taking care of anything there was to do, so I read blogs, visited myspaces of some friends, read newspaper, watch videos (news).... And then I had an English class, I was the only one there for the first 20 minutes, then one other person came so we had a conversation class. It was a lot of fun. Not that I tough so much, I have "conversation classes" every day at home, but it was nice and relaxing. Then I went for a coffee. And here I am, waiting for a conference call, that I will just have to listen. After that we're going to a party: a girl is leaving the company.
I spoke with my parents yesterday. They are all happy about the house. They almost finished everything. The only main thing left are doors, it's supposed to be done the next week I think. I'm so happy for them, that they made it!
I hope this time I will not crush my glasses during the party! Keep your fingers crossed :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Frustrating job and relaxing 4days weekend
There is so much going on that I don't really have time to post. Work is busy, but it's nice. Except for some incidents. Yesterday I thought I will kill some Americans; we agree to split work based on the regions: we will handle Europe and some specific Asian countries and they - the rest of the world. Seemed great! Except that there was some work to be done for Israel and apparently they thought it's in Europe! Learn some geography, people! US is really not the only country in the world!
So this was one thing. And the other was even worse because I had to explain myself and I looked like an idiot. I won't go into details, it's not worth it, but the reason was the same: not taking into considerations differences between regions. America is really not the center of the world! Regardless of what most Americans think.
So that's that. Quick update on my work. I would love to move on and find something else now, but it doesn't really make sense if we want to move to Scotland. This is apparently another problem...
Prince was all about moving to Scotland before we went there for the holidays. Now, he is finding many many reasons why it will not work out, all the problems that we will have - up to moving our stuff. In my opinion, we should not worry about actual moving right now, but look for a job / studies, find out how big chances of getting a good job do we have and so on... Then we can figure out how to move all of this crap that we collected and how to find apartment and so on.... So I'm a bit frustrated with this as well.
At lease I started to run again, which helps me to get rid of all bad emotions. Spots is really good for mental health.
Now, let's move to the nice and happy aspects of my recent life.
Last week we had two days national holidays Thursday and Friday, so we planned a trip to Czech Paradise with hiking and camping. Actually it was Prince who planned it all. The plan was great, but a little bit too intense. First day, on Thursday morning we took a bus to Mlada Skala. As soon we get of the bus it started puring rain. So we waited for some time till it got better, went to the campsite, got totally wet. And then it stopped, so we put up our tent and went hiking. It rained again during the day, but there were times with sun. So went hiking, we got to the best castle ever Vranov - Pantheon. The castle was carved in the rock, it's really amazing to imagine people living there in XV th century! After that we hiked to Frýdštejn, another castle on and in the rock. From there we went to Drábovna that supposedly had ruins but really, there were only rocks, on which a wooden castle used to stand. It was still really cool. We walked trough Besedické skály, a wonderful rock formations and rock cities. I will try to post some pics soon so that you can see how wonderful it was.
The only problem was that Prince started having problems with his knee in the middle of our hike. It was quite bad. But we hiked the way we planned, although I hoped we could go to the other side of Mlada Skala in the afternoon. We came to town, had some dinner and went to sleep very early. We hoped to get up at 6 but we slept quite late. I slept very well, which was surprising, because usually I cannot get comfortable on the sleeping pad. Ad Prince had problems during the night so he finally got some sleep in the morning. And we left much later we planned - around 9. We went to Zbirohy, another ruined castle that was build on three rocks. On the way back we couldn't decide what to do and if we should stay or go back to Prague. The main reason for going back was Prince's knee but an uncomfortable night played an important role in his attitude. So we decided to hike a little bit more to another part of Besedické skály. I wish we made our decisions quicker and not second guess them over and over again. This way we could have take a longer but easy hike around Suche Skaly. Well, at least I saw them from the tow. But we have serious problems with making decisions together. Yet another issue of our relationship....
So we went back to Prague, we got home around 4 or 5. I cannot say that we didn't spend a nice two day is Prague. We went for a very nice dinner on Friday (this time Prince didn't even complain that I do not talk, we had a very good conversation). On Saturday I went running, we gamed and in the afternoon we went to have dinner with some friends. They were planning to go to a blues pub for some concert, but we decided to go home. We planned to go back to Cesky Raj the next day - to the castle Kost. So we missed what seemed a very interesting event and the next morning we did not get up :))) We are so lazy.... But we had to get up really early to catch the bus, and we were tired and so on... OK, I'm rationalizing it. In the end we spend most Sunday separately - Prince was working on the game and I went running and them to Vysehrad (I had a nice walk and I spend some time there reading; it was quite nice). We gamed a little bit in the afternoon, that was cool.
So that's our "great" weekend! We thought we are tough and can camp and hike in the rain and so on...but we're not :) I have to admit this. Still, it was a fun weekend and except for two tiny things (hiking longer on Friday and going somewhere on Sunday), I wouldn't change anything.
So this was one thing. And the other was even worse because I had to explain myself and I looked like an idiot. I won't go into details, it's not worth it, but the reason was the same: not taking into considerations differences between regions. America is really not the center of the world! Regardless of what most Americans think.
So that's that. Quick update on my work. I would love to move on and find something else now, but it doesn't really make sense if we want to move to Scotland. This is apparently another problem...
Prince was all about moving to Scotland before we went there for the holidays. Now, he is finding many many reasons why it will not work out, all the problems that we will have - up to moving our stuff. In my opinion, we should not worry about actual moving right now, but look for a job / studies, find out how big chances of getting a good job do we have and so on... Then we can figure out how to move all of this crap that we collected and how to find apartment and so on.... So I'm a bit frustrated with this as well.
At lease I started to run again, which helps me to get rid of all bad emotions. Spots is really good for mental health.
Now, let's move to the nice and happy aspects of my recent life.
Last week we had two days national holidays Thursday and Friday, so we planned a trip to Czech Paradise with hiking and camping. Actually it was Prince who planned it all. The plan was great, but a little bit too intense. First day, on Thursday morning we took a bus to Mlada Skala. As soon we get of the bus it started puring rain. So we waited for some time till it got better, went to the campsite, got totally wet. And then it stopped, so we put up our tent and went hiking. It rained again during the day, but there were times with sun. So went hiking, we got to the best castle ever Vranov - Pantheon. The castle was carved in the rock, it's really amazing to imagine people living there in XV th century! After that we hiked to Frýdštejn, another castle on and in the rock. From there we went to Drábovna that supposedly had ruins but really, there were only rocks, on which a wooden castle used to stand. It was still really cool. We walked trough Besedické skály, a wonderful rock formations and rock cities. I will try to post some pics soon so that you can see how wonderful it was.
The only problem was that Prince started having problems with his knee in the middle of our hike. It was quite bad. But we hiked the way we planned, although I hoped we could go to the other side of Mlada Skala in the afternoon. We came to town, had some dinner and went to sleep very early. We hoped to get up at 6 but we slept quite late. I slept very well, which was surprising, because usually I cannot get comfortable on the sleeping pad. Ad Prince had problems during the night so he finally got some sleep in the morning. And we left much later we planned - around 9. We went to Zbirohy, another ruined castle that was build on three rocks. On the way back we couldn't decide what to do and if we should stay or go back to Prague. The main reason for going back was Prince's knee but an uncomfortable night played an important role in his attitude. So we decided to hike a little bit more to another part of Besedické skály. I wish we made our decisions quicker and not second guess them over and over again. This way we could have take a longer but easy hike around Suche Skaly. Well, at least I saw them from the tow. But we have serious problems with making decisions together. Yet another issue of our relationship....
So we went back to Prague, we got home around 4 or 5. I cannot say that we didn't spend a nice two day is Prague. We went for a very nice dinner on Friday (this time Prince didn't even complain that I do not talk, we had a very good conversation). On Saturday I went running, we gamed and in the afternoon we went to have dinner with some friends. They were planning to go to a blues pub for some concert, but we decided to go home. We planned to go back to Cesky Raj the next day - to the castle Kost. So we missed what seemed a very interesting event and the next morning we did not get up :))) We are so lazy.... But we had to get up really early to catch the bus, and we were tired and so on... OK, I'm rationalizing it. In the end we spend most Sunday separately - Prince was working on the game and I went running and them to Vysehrad (I had a nice walk and I spend some time there reading; it was quite nice). We gamed a little bit in the afternoon, that was cool.
So that's our "great" weekend! We thought we are tough and can camp and hike in the rain and so on...but we're not :) I have to admit this. Still, it was a fun weekend and except for two tiny things (hiking longer on Friday and going somewhere on Sunday), I wouldn't change anything.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
I'm back at work after 3 days weekend. I feel terrible. I could have slept for 5 more hours. You will ask: what was I doing? Well, I wend to the film festival in Karlovy Vary. It was wonderful.
I left Friday morning with Marysia and her 2 friends, we got to Karlovy Vary around 11, left the bags at the hostel (it wasn't a real hostel, it's just a school where people can sleep during the festival, so it's very basic - just a piece of floor to sleep on, sinks and toilets; not shower!). And we started our great adventure with movie!
First we got out passes that allowed us see 3 movies a day for free, the schedule and all the info, how to reserve the tickets, which is not that easy - there are tones of people and not so many seats in the theaters. So we got tickets for Friday and Saturday and we went for lunch (fried cheese of course, girls came from the country where fried cheeses was not discovered so far) and for a walk. The town is really beautiful, obviously build for the richest to come and relax in the spa. So the buildings are very fancy and the theater is amazing, and the hotels, everything! Even the communist didn't manage to destroy it too much. The town was build by the valley of a river, so on both sides there are hills / mountains. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to explore them, but I hope we can go there some day with Prince and do that.
The walks we managed to do, were between the movies, to get from one cinema to the other :) But in Karlovy Vary, everywhere you go it's beautiful and you can always discover something new and pretty. The first day, we decided that we have some time before the movie starts so we decided to go for a walk. So we walked and walked, and couldn't find the path in the right direction! We almost missed our movie, we got there just 6 minutes before the screening and the rule is that if you won't take your seat up to 5 minutes before, your ticket is given to someone else. Well, we managed it. But I think that Marysia wished later that we didn't. The movie was Japanese thriller. It sound very interesting, about the guy who can enter people's dreams. But both Marysia and me have issues with scary movies. Marysia is even worse than me. And I just don't watch such movies, because I'm too scared. So we went, sat in the first row and hold each other's hand not to be scared. Marysia missed probably half the movie, me around 25% - we were too scared to watch. At the end I wasn't so scared - I was laughing too hard at us. But the movie was good, it's just the way Japanese movies are - very bloody.
So that's what we saw:
1. Venus, a British movie about being old, weird relationship and dying, almost a comedy,
2. Nightmare detective, the Japanese thriller
3. Pingpong, about 16 year old falling in love with his aunt, very German movie
3. Hranice, short movie about a very interesting episode in Czech history, starring actors from a TV show I watch sometimes, proved to be better actors than I expected
4. Marta, there is war and partisans, father and son who finds a wounded women soldier and takes her home, a bit too minimalist
5. Rozpominani a documentary about the Czech society, a series of short interviews with people met on the streets, in pubs, hospital and so on; the questions is: does it captures anything we didn't know yet; it was quite funny
6. Klopka very depressing Serbian movie; how much is life worth; can you kill a man to save a child
7. Bestiář light comedy about a girl and a boy and a few more boys, the only one movie we saw that was not depressing in any way, it wasn't that good either; so maybe a good movie has to be sad and pessimistic....
8. The Letter classic, black and white psychological movie, directed by William Wyler; if only now directors learned from it; there was not action as such but it didn't need to, that's the way to show person's thoughts and motives;
9. Przebacz Polish movie for the end; again depressing but there was a bit of hope, with good hip-hop (sometimes I miss laud hip-hop from behind the wall) behind
Unfortunately, that's all I managed to see. I saw 4 movies on Saturday and it was a little bit too much. I wish I could stay longer, but work.... And I went without Prince and not, we have 4 day weekend so we plan to go to the Czech paradise.
The weekend was great, Marysia - than you for invitation!
I left Friday morning with Marysia and her 2 friends, we got to Karlovy Vary around 11, left the bags at the hostel (it wasn't a real hostel, it's just a school where people can sleep during the festival, so it's very basic - just a piece of floor to sleep on, sinks and toilets; not shower!). And we started our great adventure with movie!
First we got out passes that allowed us see 3 movies a day for free, the schedule and all the info, how to reserve the tickets, which is not that easy - there are tones of people and not so many seats in the theaters. So we got tickets for Friday and Saturday and we went for lunch (fried cheese of course, girls came from the country where fried cheeses was not discovered so far) and for a walk. The town is really beautiful, obviously build for the richest to come and relax in the spa. So the buildings are very fancy and the theater is amazing, and the hotels, everything! Even the communist didn't manage to destroy it too much. The town was build by the valley of a river, so on both sides there are hills / mountains. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to explore them, but I hope we can go there some day with Prince and do that.
The walks we managed to do, were between the movies, to get from one cinema to the other :) But in Karlovy Vary, everywhere you go it's beautiful and you can always discover something new and pretty. The first day, we decided that we have some time before the movie starts so we decided to go for a walk. So we walked and walked, and couldn't find the path in the right direction! We almost missed our movie, we got there just 6 minutes before the screening and the rule is that if you won't take your seat up to 5 minutes before, your ticket is given to someone else. Well, we managed it. But I think that Marysia wished later that we didn't. The movie was Japanese thriller. It sound very interesting, about the guy who can enter people's dreams. But both Marysia and me have issues with scary movies. Marysia is even worse than me. And I just don't watch such movies, because I'm too scared. So we went, sat in the first row and hold each other's hand not to be scared. Marysia missed probably half the movie, me around 25% - we were too scared to watch. At the end I wasn't so scared - I was laughing too hard at us. But the movie was good, it's just the way Japanese movies are - very bloody.
So that's what we saw:
1. Venus, a British movie about being old, weird relationship and dying, almost a comedy,
2. Nightmare detective, the Japanese thriller
3. Pingpong, about 16 year old falling in love with his aunt, very German movie
3. Hranice, short movie about a very interesting episode in Czech history, starring actors from a TV show I watch sometimes, proved to be better actors than I expected
4. Marta, there is war and partisans, father and son who finds a wounded women soldier and takes her home, a bit too minimalist
5. Rozpominani a documentary about the Czech society, a series of short interviews with people met on the streets, in pubs, hospital and so on; the questions is: does it captures anything we didn't know yet; it was quite funny
6. Klopka very depressing Serbian movie; how much is life worth; can you kill a man to save a child
7. Bestiář light comedy about a girl and a boy and a few more boys, the only one movie we saw that was not depressing in any way, it wasn't that good either; so maybe a good movie has to be sad and pessimistic....
8. The Letter classic, black and white psychological movie, directed by William Wyler; if only now directors learned from it; there was not action as such but it didn't need to, that's the way to show person's thoughts and motives;
9. Przebacz Polish movie for the end; again depressing but there was a bit of hope, with good hip-hop (sometimes I miss laud hip-hop from behind the wall) behind
Unfortunately, that's all I managed to see. I saw 4 movies on Saturday and it was a little bit too much. I wish I could stay longer, but work.... And I went without Prince and not, we have 4 day weekend so we plan to go to the Czech paradise.
The weekend was great, Marysia - than you for invitation!
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