You can find pics from last weekend's trip to Okor here.
Now I have to figure out what I'm doing tomorrow - Prince is unfortunatelly going to work, so I will have the whole day for myslef. I will probably go rollerblading, maybe something more.
And I may change my plans regarding my trip to Poland. Prince doesn't like the idea that I will not be here for 2 long weekends when we could go somewhere. On the other hand, I wouldn't be home as long as I wanted; only a week. I will still go home in September though. And a week is not the short. Also, I'm kind of short on money and maybe I should not go on any trips. But if we went somehwere in the Czech Rep - I was thinking Cesky Raj, it wouldn't be so expensive. Ojej, always problems with making decisions. I know my family won't be happy about my decision. But it's still a week! And soon I will be back!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
How am I suppoze...
to speak correct English, if American journalists have serious issues
A quote from today's CNN coverage: "Lawmakers are speaking out with moments of silence."
A quote from today's CNN coverage: "Lawmakers are speaking out with moments of silence."
Spring or summer
It was a beautiful weekend. Not one cloud in the sky, around 25 degrees (Celcius of course). Really wonderful.
On Friday we went to see 300. Visually interesting, but the story was... stolen. It was mixture of what happened at Termopolis, the Lord of the Ring and Gladiator. Prince did not like it at all, I thought it was interesting and that's all. Also, there was more handsome men to look at than women :) After the movie we went for a Mexican dinner that again I liked but Prince not too much. It was Mexican but it wasn't too spicy, which is great for me, because I don't like too spicy food, but Princce said that Mexican is suppozed to be spicy.
On Saturday we went outside of Prague, which I was wanting to do for a long time. We went to castle Okor. Now, it's only ruins, but cool. I like ruins. Pictures will be available tomorrow, if Price will download them.
OK, this is really not creative. I need some inspiration. I will continue maybe tomorrow or some other day. Sorry, but this is just stupid. I can't create better sentence than: we went there and saw that.
I'm going to enjoy our gorgous weather, at least on my way home from tram because I'm wearing very uncomfortable shoes and cannot even walk home. Oh, well...
On Friday we went to see 300. Visually interesting, but the story was... stolen. It was mixture of what happened at Termopolis, the Lord of the Ring and Gladiator. Prince did not like it at all, I thought it was interesting and that's all. Also, there was more handsome men to look at than women :) After the movie we went for a Mexican dinner that again I liked but Prince not too much. It was Mexican but it wasn't too spicy, which is great for me, because I don't like too spicy food, but Princce said that Mexican is suppozed to be spicy.
On Saturday we went outside of Prague, which I was wanting to do for a long time. We went to castle Okor. Now, it's only ruins, but cool. I like ruins. Pictures will be available tomorrow, if Price will download them.
OK, this is really not creative. I need some inspiration. I will continue maybe tomorrow or some other day. Sorry, but this is just stupid. I can't create better sentence than: we went there and saw that.
I'm going to enjoy our gorgous weather, at least on my way home from tram because I'm wearing very uncomfortable shoes and cannot even walk home. Oh, well...
Friday, April 13, 2007
Miluj bližního svého
W środe zostala mi pokazana bardzo miła knajpka, ktora sie nazywa Miluj bližního svého, czyli Miłuj blizniego swego. Ale w srode Ksieciunio konczy prace wczesnie, takze nie chcialam tam az tak dlugo prrzesiadywac, ale swietnie sie nam gadalo, a cala droge do domu tanczylam. Wczoraj za to zaciagnelismy tam Lide i bardzo jej sie podobalo. Chyba wlasnie znalazlam moja ulubiona knajpke w Pradze. Zdjatka tutaj. Jest tam taka dobra atmosfera, studenci tam chodza, bo za rogiem jest akademik. Bar jest tam super; nastepnym razem wezme ze soba normalny aprat, bo telefonem to te zdjecia takie sobie wychodza. W kazdym raze pogadalismy wczoraj, na poczatku tak sie nam za bardzo nie chcialo, ale po pierwszym piwie i rumie juz sie poprawilismy. I oczywiscie Lida spala u mnie, mimo tego ze na poczatku nie chciala, ale ja przekupilam prezencikiem (szczoteczka do zebow, zeby sie czula u nas lepiej) czekajacym na nia w domu oraz telefonem, bo jej nie dziala, co mnie wkurzalo bo sie nie moglam do niej dodzwonic nigdy, a ja sobie wlasnie kupilam nowy.
Takze dzisiaj jak zwykle nic mi sie nie chce, pracy duzo nie ma, za to pogoda sliczna, poszlabym gdzies do lasu. W weekend ma byc ok 25 stopni, musimy sie gdzies wybrac.
Takze dzisiaj jak zwykle nic mi sie nie chce, pracy duzo nie ma, za to pogoda sliczna, poszlabym gdzies do lasu. W weekend ma byc ok 25 stopni, musimy sie gdzies wybrac.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Just a few pics from Thursday's get together at Velryba:
Diki, Honzo!
Diki, Honzo!
Lots of sand
If you're curious what I'm spending my work time on, visit Hell of Sand Falling. I actually (oh, sorry Prince, I shouldn't use this word) took it from Tom's blog. It's crazy addictive. And fun.
We had a great, 3-days weekend! And shorter Friday, 'cause my boss told me to go home. I left before 3 p.m. which was great, I could spend some time with Little Mi. We had a nice walk by the river and at Letna, dinner at the Arab place which was delicious and och, we went shopping - she got some shoes. I was fighting with myself not to buy any shoes. And I succeeded! In the evening we met with Mark and Megan and played some Trivia Pursuit, which was weid, because I have no idea about American pop culture. Or at least not to the extend required by this game. but it was a nice evening.
Saturday I went to Church to bless the food (Polish tradition) and then we went to see a movie. We found great art cinema very close to us. We actually found it a long time ago and planned to go there many many times, but somehow it never worked. This time we finally did go and saw Red Road. Good movie. The only problem is that I was expecting it to be in English and it was not! It was in Scottish, which not at all English! I had to read Czech subtitles to understand anything! That will be the problem if we'll move there.
On Sunday I went to Church, in Czech. It was interesting experience. I understood 90%, but I did not know how to answer in Czech so I was praying in Polish and got mixed a few times.
In the early afternoon we went to horse races. It was a lot of fun. I bet a few times, but just 20 kc, so didn't loose much. The horses were beautiful.
Yesterday I went to Church again, this time the Polish one. Before I went jogging. After, we went for a long walk to Vysehrad. So now my legs are pretty tired. But it was a very nice day and I enjoyed it a lot. No i oczywiscie oblalam Ksieciunia. ale dostalam za to witka po tylku (czeski zwyczaj, ktory mu sie bardzo podoba).
And today is a hard back to work day. Hope you'r ehaving better time with it than me.
Saturday I went to Church to bless the food (Polish tradition) and then we went to see a movie. We found great art cinema very close to us. We actually found it a long time ago and planned to go there many many times, but somehow it never worked. This time we finally did go and saw Red Road. Good movie. The only problem is that I was expecting it to be in English and it was not! It was in Scottish, which not at all English! I had to read Czech subtitles to understand anything! That will be the problem if we'll move there.
On Sunday I went to Church, in Czech. It was interesting experience. I understood 90%, but I did not know how to answer in Czech so I was praying in Polish and got mixed a few times.
In the early afternoon we went to horse races. It was a lot of fun. I bet a few times, but just 20 kc, so didn't loose much. The horses were beautiful.
Yesterday I went to Church again, this time the Polish one. Before I went jogging. After, we went for a long walk to Vysehrad. So now my legs are pretty tired. But it was a very nice day and I enjoyed it a lot. No i oczywiscie oblalam Ksieciunia. ale dostalam za to witka po tylku (czeski zwyczaj, ktory mu sie bardzo podoba).
And today is a hard back to work day. Hope you'r ehaving better time with it than me.
Photo blog
I create my Buzznet account to post pics. So if you want to see Amsterdam pictures, visit:
Friday, April 06, 2007
Post Falun meeting
Marysia came to town so we had a little get together in the evening. And imagine, even Honza came from Brno. He was actually complaining that I'm not writting on my blog, so I decided not to give him more reasons to complain. On the other hand, it's just one side efford. You all could send an email from time to time or something.
So yesterday there was Marysia, Vladka and Honza, Olga S., Lida, Lukas and me and later my Prince showed up (he met with Ann first who came from Berlin for a few days). I had fun, I hope you all had a good time too.
Honza had some brilliant ideas i.e. the way for Lida to live cheaply in Prague is to become my kangaroo :) We first discussed the possibility of her being our dog, but she is too big for yorki and we'd have to walk her to the park and so on. Kanagroo is much better.
Honza had some more ideas like this, but I can't remember them. I've been trying to remember one think, he said, but I cannot. It was an example of his beautiful logic.
I was laughing a lot, it was almost like being in Sweden again, only the beer was cheaper.
Lukas drove us home - thank you :)
At home, Prince made us some dinner. It was delicious. He even shared his swedish blueberry soup with us. Mniam mniam.
And we went to bed.
This morning I really did not want to wake up, but I did, took a shower (I was still half asleep and used soap to wash my hair instead of shampoo - they were standing next to each other). I don't have a headache or anything like this, I'm just tired.
Lida seemed fine too. Also tired, but besides that ok.
Prince felt terrible. Headache, weir stomach and something else that I foregot. Biedactwo. And he didn't even drink rum with us.
Today we're going to M&M's for a game night. I will suck. They want to play "Trivia pursuit" or something like that. I'm not good in trivia knowledge when I'm in good shape, but today it will be a diseaster with my brain not working very well.
I hope it's enough for Honza to be satisfied. I will try to post some pics from Amsterdam this weekend (I foregot about that).
Take care and Veseli Velkonoce :))
So yesterday there was Marysia, Vladka and Honza, Olga S., Lida, Lukas and me and later my Prince showed up (he met with Ann first who came from Berlin for a few days). I had fun, I hope you all had a good time too.
Honza had some brilliant ideas i.e. the way for Lida to live cheaply in Prague is to become my kangaroo :) We first discussed the possibility of her being our dog, but she is too big for yorki and we'd have to walk her to the park and so on. Kanagroo is much better.
Honza had some more ideas like this, but I can't remember them. I've been trying to remember one think, he said, but I cannot. It was an example of his beautiful logic.
I was laughing a lot, it was almost like being in Sweden again, only the beer was cheaper.
Lukas drove us home - thank you :)
At home, Prince made us some dinner. It was delicious. He even shared his swedish blueberry soup with us. Mniam mniam.
And we went to bed.
This morning I really did not want to wake up, but I did, took a shower (I was still half asleep and used soap to wash my hair instead of shampoo - they were standing next to each other). I don't have a headache or anything like this, I'm just tired.
Lida seemed fine too. Also tired, but besides that ok.
Prince felt terrible. Headache, weir stomach and something else that I foregot. Biedactwo. And he didn't even drink rum with us.
Today we're going to M&M's for a game night. I will suck. They want to play "Trivia pursuit" or something like that. I'm not good in trivia knowledge when I'm in good shape, but today it will be a diseaster with my brain not working very well.
I hope it's enough for Honza to be satisfied. I will try to post some pics from Amsterdam this weekend (I foregot about that).
Take care and Veseli Velkonoce :))
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Spring is here
It's time for a new template, less depressing and more spring like. I love spring! And it's here (well, maybe not exactly today - it's quite cold). We had a beautiful weekend, so I went for a long walk up to Vysehrad and also skating. Hopefully this weekend will be even nicer and warmer.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Polski tydzien
Oj, cos dlugo nie pisalam. Zabiegana jestem, jak zwykle. Na szczescie w pracy sie troszke uspokoilo. Uff... Z drugiej strony nie najlepszy to znak - klient sie wycofuje. Na razie nieoficjalnie, takze nie mam pojecia jak z praca itp. Jestem dobrej mysli, w koncu jestem szefowa :) a szefow sie tak latwo nie zwalnia.
Ubiegly tydzien przeminal pod znakiem "Teraz Polska". W poniedzialek koncert Tara Fuki, dwoch dziewczyn grajacych na wiolonczelach i spiewajacych glownie po polsku, pomimo nie udalo mi sie rozwiklac ich pochodzenia (obie urodzone w Czechach, chociaz Dorota pisze teksty polskie i mowi bez najmniejszego akcentu, ale ma czeskie nazwisko; za to Andrea ma polskie nazwisko, ale po polsku za bardzo nie mowi - bardzo to skomplikowane).
W ubieglym tygodniu odbywal sie tez najwiekszy festiwal filmowy w Pradze - Febio Fest, z czego skorzystalam idac na dwa polskie filmy: "Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami" Marka Koterskiego oraz "Jasminum" Jana Jakuba Kolskiego. Wyczekiwalam bardzo na ten pierwszy, dobry film, ale nie zakoczyl mnie, byl taki mniej wiecej jak sie spodziewalam. Natmiast po Jasminum nie wiedzialam, czego sie spodziewac, kupujac bilet nawet nie bardzo wiedzialam, na co kupuje poza tym, ze po polsku. Cudowny film! Bardzo pozytywny i nastrajajacy pozytywnie, kolorowy i pachnacy, wiosenny. Goraco polecam.
W piatek Ksieciumio mial urodziny; poszlismy na kolacje, prezenty mu sie podobaly, milo spedzilismy wieczor.
W weekend byla sliczna pogoda, takze w sobote wbieglam na Vysehrad, a w niedziele bylam na rolkach. Ksieciunio do mnie nie dolaczyl, bo mial duzo pracy, ktorej i tak nie zrobil :)
A po jutrze spotykam sie z Marysia, bo jest w Pradze :)
Ubiegly tydzien przeminal pod znakiem "Teraz Polska". W poniedzialek koncert Tara Fuki, dwoch dziewczyn grajacych na wiolonczelach i spiewajacych glownie po polsku, pomimo nie udalo mi sie rozwiklac ich pochodzenia (obie urodzone w Czechach, chociaz Dorota pisze teksty polskie i mowi bez najmniejszego akcentu, ale ma czeskie nazwisko; za to Andrea ma polskie nazwisko, ale po polsku za bardzo nie mowi - bardzo to skomplikowane).
W ubieglym tygodniu odbywal sie tez najwiekszy festiwal filmowy w Pradze - Febio Fest, z czego skorzystalam idac na dwa polskie filmy: "Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami" Marka Koterskiego oraz "Jasminum" Jana Jakuba Kolskiego. Wyczekiwalam bardzo na ten pierwszy, dobry film, ale nie zakoczyl mnie, byl taki mniej wiecej jak sie spodziewalam. Natmiast po Jasminum nie wiedzialam, czego sie spodziewac, kupujac bilet nawet nie bardzo wiedzialam, na co kupuje poza tym, ze po polsku. Cudowny film! Bardzo pozytywny i nastrajajacy pozytywnie, kolorowy i pachnacy, wiosenny. Goraco polecam.
W piatek Ksieciumio mial urodziny; poszlismy na kolacje, prezenty mu sie podobaly, milo spedzilismy wieczor.
W weekend byla sliczna pogoda, takze w sobote wbieglam na Vysehrad, a w niedziele bylam na rolkach. Ksieciunio do mnie nie dolaczyl, bo mial duzo pracy, ktorej i tak nie zrobil :)
A po jutrze spotykam sie z Marysia, bo jest w Pradze :)
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