Monday, October 30, 2006

Kolejny poniedzialek

I feel I should write something... I read Elizabeth's blog and it's amazing: she is very good at writting but also, things are happening. My life, on the other hand is borning :( I just work and sleep. And I also lose in poker :( We were playing on Friday. I lost again. Something is wrong. The ccards doesn't like me or ... I'm not a good player. I go for the first one. But I needs to learn to fold: I have 2 pairs and I think it's the best hand possible. I'm so silly.
So this is all for the weekend. We played poker on Friday, on Saturday I was dying, so we didn't do anything, yesterday Prince told me he will be working, so we didn't do anything either (of course, he started working around 8 pm).
This week seems to be nice: today, Ireland has a bank holiday, Wednesday - Poland (and then Friday is off in the company we work for, so 99% of people will take Thursday off as well). So I shouln't have too much work. I hope...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Poranna przygoda

Stoje sobie rano na przystanku, czekam na tramwaj. Piekna pogoda, sloneczko swieci, jeszcze nie calkiem obudzona, bujam w oblokach. Widze jedzie tramwaj, wiec spokojnie, powolutku zaczynam isc w kierunku przodu tramwaju. I nagle... jakbym ducha zobaczyla, skacze jak szalona (no wiecie, jak sie czlowiek przestraszy, to tak skacze). Dlaczego? Chlopak mnie minal.... Niezly mial ubaw ze mnie.

To tyle na moje poranne przygody.

Trzymjcie sie!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Co w trawie piszczy

Hi everybody! Again I apologize for the delay. You know, how it is: a lot of work, a lot of after work activities (hehe I wish), not enough time for everything. Basically I'm at work every day aroud 10 hours. It's not any more the job I liked - laid back and relaxed. Now it's becomming more like a regular job - stressing, tirening and annoying. But this week I'm in a good mood. I think my body said: "NO! You don't need more stress!". So I don't care any more that much. Not that I'm not doing my job or doing it worse. I'm just trying not to take everything so serious. Prince is more happy with me now and everything is better. It is even more better, because I got a real promotion: I am going to be a team leader. And this means more money!!! Which is good, because we have so many plans and not enough money: we're going to the US for Christmas (which means shopping - hurra!!!), we want to go to Scotland next week, and to Egypt (maybe not the next year, maybe next winter). And I have to start paying back my student's loan which is scary.
And btw we were in a nice castle this week: Konopiste. It's around 45 km from Prague, not too popular, but very nice. It used to be Franz Ferdidand's hunting place, so it has a huge park aroud it and tones of dead animals inside (which is not that nice). And there was a wedding in the castle when we were there. It would be really cool to get married in a castle. Also, crazy expensive (probably).
OK, going back to work. Have a nice day everybody, and don't foreget about me! I promise, I will be back.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dni, których jeszcze nie znamy

Tyle było dni do utraty sił
Do utraty tchu tyle było chwil
Gdy żałujesz tych , z których nie masz nic
Jedno warto znać , jedno tylko wiedz , że
Ważne są tylko te dni których jeszcze nie znamy
Ważnych jest kilka tych chwil , tych na które czekamy
Pewien znany ktoś , kto miał dom i sad
Zgubił nagle sens i w złe kręgi wpadł
Choć majatek prysł , on nie stoczył się
Wytłumaczyć umiał sobie wtedy właśnie że
Ważne są tylko te dni , których jeszcze nie znamy
Waznych jest kilka tych chwil , tych na które czekamy
Jak rozpoznać ludzi , których już nie znamy ?
Jak pozbierać myśli z tych nie poskładanych?
Jak oddzielić nagle serce od rozumu?
Jak usłyszeć siebie pośród śpiewu tłumu?
Jak rozpoznać ludzi , których już nie znamy?
Jak pozbierac myśli z tych nie poskładanych?
Jak odnależć nagle radość i nadzieję ?
Odpowiedzi szukaj , czasu jest tak wiele ...
Ważne są tylko te dni , których jeszcze nie znamy
Ważnych jest kilka tych chwil na które czekamy ..

MAREK GRECHUTA (1945-2006)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Praca, praca, praca

I appologize for not writting - I have a loooot of work. Mainly because I was kind of promoted. Kind of because I didn't get more money and now it seems I'm on probation period in the new position, and I'm doing both jobs - the old and the new one. I work for 10-12 hours a day and I'm just always so tired I don't want to do anything. Today I feel like crap. Yesterday I had problems with my stomach, I spend half a day in bed. It's not much better today. I'm getting back to playing cards - first time since I came back from the US. I don't feel like doing anything else.
Be patient, I'll be back.