I'm very proud of myself! In regards to my work. It can actually give some satisfaction sometimes.
That's what happened: buyer (specjalista ds zakupo) responsible for Poland is on holiday and I'm her backup. It's crap because usually it's sending requests for quotations and things like this. But 2 days ago I received a quote for more than 4 ooo Euro and I figured out: ok, let's try, the supplier can always say no. But he didn't! I got 4 % discount! I know it's not much, but it's a good beginning! I'm happy and proud.
Btw I have a terrible headache and the only thing I can think of is going to bed. It's all Lida's fault. As you may know, she's going to Nepal for 3 months and yesterday we had a small good bye party. I had a lot of fun! Lida has very nice friends, I hadn't known most of them before. Actually I had met just one: Misia. So they are all great people and we had a lot of fun and laugh. For the first time in my life I was laughing so hard at my own language. It appears that the sentence "Palenie tytoniu w czasie ciazy szkodzi twojemu dziecku." If you don't know, tyton is a little furry animal and if you'd burn it, it will harm storks sitting on the roof, and they would die and fall on your child :) Probably it's not all that funny to you all, especially if you don't speak Polish (this sentence really means "Smoking while pregnant harms your baby"). It's just a drunk talks but it was funny so I thought I will share it :)
I'm going back to my work. The main task for today is: not to fall asleep under my desk.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Tesknoty i smuteczki
Ostatnio zaczynam coraz bardziej tesknic za rodzicami. Stopniowo sie od siebie oddalamy. I jest to tylko i wylacznie moja wina - to ja zdecydowalam sie wyjechac. Bedac w Polsce, nawet nie w Lublinie (bo tego chyba nikt sie nie spodziewal), odwiedzalabym ich czesciej. Dwa razy do roku to zdecydowanie za malo.
Podobnie z przyjaciolmi - juz chyba przestali nimi byc, skoro nie widzielismy sie od roku, a maile to jednak nie to samo.
Do tego Ksieciunio wspominac zaczyna, ze chcialby wrocic do Stanow. A ja wtedy co? Z jednej strony powoli przyzwyczajam sie do tej mysli i moze nawet bym ja zaakceptowala, ale.... Po pierwsze najpierw chce Stany zobaczyc. Ale wazniejsze jest to, ze gdybysmy tam wyjechali, to juz na dobre. A to znaczy, ze rodzicow bede widywac jeszcze rzadziej.
Czasem sie zastanawiam, czy nie zrobilam bledu. Czy nie lepiej bylo zrezygnowac z tego szalonego pomyslu bycia z obcokrajowcem z innego kontynentu i spokojnie wrocic do normalnego zycia po Szwecji? Tyle rzeczy byloby latwiejszych... Z drugiej strony wiele rzeczy prawdopodobnie juz bym nie mogla zaakceptowac. Nikogo bym nie zranila (moze kazdy na wyrzuty sumienia gdy zakonczy zwiazek, ja mam wielkie). Bylabym blizej rodzicow, widywalibysmy sie przynajmniej raz w miesiacu. A tak... Wszystko sie tak dziwnie ulozylo... Tesknie czasem za moim dawnym zyciem z Polski.
Podobnie z przyjaciolmi - juz chyba przestali nimi byc, skoro nie widzielismy sie od roku, a maile to jednak nie to samo.
Do tego Ksieciunio wspominac zaczyna, ze chcialby wrocic do Stanow. A ja wtedy co? Z jednej strony powoli przyzwyczajam sie do tej mysli i moze nawet bym ja zaakceptowala, ale.... Po pierwsze najpierw chce Stany zobaczyc. Ale wazniejsze jest to, ze gdybysmy tam wyjechali, to juz na dobre. A to znaczy, ze rodzicow bede widywac jeszcze rzadziej.
Czasem sie zastanawiam, czy nie zrobilam bledu. Czy nie lepiej bylo zrezygnowac z tego szalonego pomyslu bycia z obcokrajowcem z innego kontynentu i spokojnie wrocic do normalnego zycia po Szwecji? Tyle rzeczy byloby latwiejszych... Z drugiej strony wiele rzeczy prawdopodobnie juz bym nie mogla zaakceptowac. Nikogo bym nie zranila (moze kazdy na wyrzuty sumienia gdy zakonczy zwiazek, ja mam wielkie). Bylabym blizej rodzicow, widywalibysmy sie przynajmniej raz w miesiacu. A tak... Wszystko sie tak dziwnie ulozylo... Tesknie czasem za moim dawnym zyciem z Polski.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
US baby
Apparently I will be able to go to the Grand Tetons!!!
That's the whole story: my trpi to the US was planned for the week of the 28th of august and Prince's parents (that would be the King and the Queen :) ) invited us to go with them to the magnificent mountains in Wyoming. But then M. (my Spanish- Italian colleague)said he cannot go then cause he wants to take his vacations then. So for a few days we were trying to figure out the best solution but as either me nor him coulnd't change the dates of our planned time off, our manager finally decided we will go separately: first me and D. (my Czech colleague) and after 2 weeks - M. So I can go to the Grand Tetons!! Unless we'll be uninvited. But hopefully not. I'm really looking forward!
Apparently I will be able to go to the Grand Tetons!!!
That's the whole story: my trpi to the US was planned for the week of the 28th of august and Prince's parents (that would be the King and the Queen :) ) invited us to go with them to the magnificent mountains in Wyoming. But then M. (my Spanish- Italian colleague)said he cannot go then cause he wants to take his vacations then. So for a few days we were trying to figure out the best solution but as either me nor him coulnd't change the dates of our planned time off, our manager finally decided we will go separately: first me and D. (my Czech colleague) and after 2 weeks - M. So I can go to the Grand Tetons!! Unless we'll be uninvited. But hopefully not. I'm really looking forward!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Our recent activities
I apologize for not writing earlier. But still I'm not as bad as some people (nie bede wytykac palcami). We had a busy busy weekend - actually the whole week. For me it actually started at the beginning of July when Andrea left and I had to help the new girl. Now, I'm just answering her questions but I'm not doing the work for her. Then, last week Stefan and Christiane were here. So we were going out, it was fun but I was so tired after very hard work and intense evenings. Although the weekend was great: on Saturday we went to Divoka Sarka, a place to swim and hike almost in Prague, we saw Hvezda and Bila Hora, where took place the battle between Catholics and protestants in 1620. On Sunday we went to Melnik, the most famous Czech vine place (I bet you didn't know Czechs have their own vine). We walked around and of course drunk vine. On the bus there we had to listen to very loud Americans (sorry, but Americans for some reason are always louder than anybody else - most of Americans) who were teachers in Prague and one of them is a friend of our friend. It was quite annoying. We also discovered that Rob is a very specific kind of gentlemen but he said he will write about it (and I'm sure it will be funnier).
And that's all....
They left on Monday morning and last night I got 10 hours of sleep :)
p.s. Lida has a blog: http://www.situlin.bloguje.cz/ Well, actually she will have a blog, when she'll write something there :) But she promised to write from Nepal, where she's going next week for 3 months. The only problem - probably she will write in Czech.
p.s.2 Pics from weekend with Stefan and Christiane will be posted soon - as soon as I convince somebody to download them.
And that's all....
They left on Monday morning and last night I got 10 hours of sleep :)
p.s. Lida has a blog: http://www.situlin.bloguje.cz/ Well, actually she will have a blog, when she'll write something there :) But she promised to write from Nepal, where she's going next week for 3 months. The only problem - probably she will write in Czech.
p.s.2 Pics from weekend with Stefan and Christiane will be posted soon - as soon as I convince somebody to download them.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Views from my window
Apparently I'm not writing enough. But still compared to some bloggers (actually to most of who I know) I'm pretty regularly.
Recently work has been very very busy. Mostly because Andrea left and we have a new team member who is still learning and is not able to do all of her job on her own. So I'm doing most of it. But I have a plan how to make her learn fast :) Or start getting used to more responsibilities.
That's just work stuff - probably not so interesting for you. Except for work and more important is that Stefan and Christiane are in Prague. They came yesterday. We went for a dinner to the soup place (I think it's called Mlejnik or something like that). We got a bit drunk with Czech beer, discussed everything that happened last year and have a lot of laugh. I'm very happy to see them again. Today we're going to the pub (THE pub - Konvikt) so If anyone is interested, you're welcome to join.
And some pictures - views from our window.

Recently work has been very very busy. Mostly because Andrea left and we have a new team member who is still learning and is not able to do all of her job on her own. So I'm doing most of it. But I have a plan how to make her learn fast :) Or start getting used to more responsibilities.
That's just work stuff - probably not so interesting for you. Except for work and more important is that Stefan and Christiane are in Prague. They came yesterday. We went for a dinner to the soup place (I think it's called Mlejnik or something like that). We got a bit drunk with Czech beer, discussed everything that happened last year and have a lot of laugh. I'm very happy to see them again. Today we're going to the pub (THE pub - Konvikt) so If anyone is interested, you're welcome to join.
And some pictures - views from our window.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Pewna letnia noca o czym mysle...
Chcialabym sie nigdy nie urodzic. Nigdy nie umrzec. Zostac na zawsze osmioletnia dziewczynka. Bez smutkow i zalu - do ludzi, do swiata. Bez doroslych problemow. Nikogo nie stracic. Nie zakochac sie. Nie zostac porzuconym.
Bez smutku.
Bez radosci.
Ale co by to bylo za zycie? Moze jednak lepiej wyplakac sie w poduszke, by rano moc sie cieszyc z nowego dnia. Co sie dzisiaj stanie? Kogo nowego ponam? Czego sie naucze? Przyjaciela strace czy zyskam?
A planety szaleja, szaleja, szaleja. I smieja sie, smieja, smieja....
Kazdy z nas jest jak laneta. Krazy samotnie wokol swojego slonca. Nigdy drugiej planecie za bardzo zblizyc sie nie pozwoli. A jesli juz sie na to zdecyduje, to zderzenie zabije ije obie.
To ja jeszcze poplacze w te moja poduszke w misia wtulona. Przynajmniej misie nie rania.
Nawet jesli bym chciala odejsc, to nie moge.
Uciec w bezkresna przestrzen. Bez granic i bez panstw. Bez roznic kulturowych. Zeby bylo latwiej sie dogadac, latwiej zyc. Bo teraz latwo przyhcodzi tylko ranic. Palnac glupstwo... i po wszystkim. Nieprzemyslane slowaw, niepotrzebne gesty. Tyle razy to powtarzamy, ale jeszcze sie nie nauczylismy jak zyc razem. Nie obok siebie, ale razem. Nie niszczac tej drugiej planety i siebie za razem.
Bez smutku.
Bez radosci.
Ale co by to bylo za zycie? Moze jednak lepiej wyplakac sie w poduszke, by rano moc sie cieszyc z nowego dnia. Co sie dzisiaj stanie? Kogo nowego ponam? Czego sie naucze? Przyjaciela strace czy zyskam?
A planety szaleja, szaleja, szaleja. I smieja sie, smieja, smieja....
Kazdy z nas jest jak laneta. Krazy samotnie wokol swojego slonca. Nigdy drugiej planecie za bardzo zblizyc sie nie pozwoli. A jesli juz sie na to zdecyduje, to zderzenie zabije ije obie.
To ja jeszcze poplacze w te moja poduszke w misia wtulona. Przynajmniej misie nie rania.
Nawet jesli bym chciala odejsc, to nie moge.
Uciec w bezkresna przestrzen. Bez granic i bez panstw. Bez roznic kulturowych. Zeby bylo latwiej sie dogadac, latwiej zyc. Bo teraz latwo przyhcodzi tylko ranic. Palnac glupstwo... i po wszystkim. Nieprzemyslane slowaw, niepotrzebne gesty. Tyle razy to powtarzamy, ale jeszcze sie nie nauczylismy jak zyc razem. Nie obok siebie, ale razem. Nie niszczac tej drugiej planety i siebie za razem.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Tak sie wlasnie czuje
Jestem taka, jestem taka zmęczona
Bolą mnie ręce, boli mnie cała głowa
Tyle dzisiaj, tyle się dzisiaj stało
Boli mnie serce, boli mnie całe ciało
Paranoja jest goła, paranoja jest goła
Paranoja jest goła, paranoja jest goła
Dzień się skończył,
Na księżyc patrzę jak pies
Stopień po stopniu na metalową wieżę wspinam się
Rosa pokrywa, rosa pokrywa ciało
Tyle się dzisiaj, tyle się dzisiaj stało
Friday, July 07, 2006
Visa Visa Visa
HURRA!!! I have the visa!
I have the visa!
I have the visa!
Tam ta ram tam, hurra!!!
Did you guessed? I had the interview today in the morning at the US Embassy and got the visa! I don't know what kind of visa, I don't know for how long, but I know I got it! So now sometime in August I'll probably go to Pittsburgh and for Christams to Virginia. I can't wait!
Except for that: it's suppoze to be very hard day at work - I'm the only one from our team and we had 2 days off unlike the rest of the world, so there is a looooot of work. But I'm still all about the visa and I just can't be bothered to work too hard today. It can wait till Monday :)
As I mentioned, we had two days off. On Wednesday we went to the ZOO and saw giraffes, they are so cute. We saw lots of other animals too but I had seen them a year ago when Mloda was here. We just missed giraffes. So we saw pingwins and lions and elephant and hippos and owls and voulchers (hmm, the birds that eat dead people :) and... I don't remember :)) There was too many of them to remember all. Oh, gorillas and those animals who are extremely lazy and the sin is calles after them - laziness, can't remeber their name. It was fun day.
And yesterday we were playing Arcana Unearthed. I'm fean mage-blade. It's fun. There are dragons and giants and all sort of wacky stuff going on. I'm enjoying it except that Prince (who is not playing prince btw) has to play like 3 people and be the Game Master at the same time so it's a bit difficult at times. But still it's fun. I know for some of you RPG is this strange thing that make people kill themselves (that's what I heard) but for me it doesn't have any of this kind of stigma and it's just one more fun thing to do.
So I guess that's all. Oh, and Italy won with Germany in semi-final. And they are playing France (again). Hopefuly it won't be penalty kicks that decide who won the World Cup this time.
I have the visa!
I have the visa!
Tam ta ram tam, hurra!!!
Did you guessed? I had the interview today in the morning at the US Embassy and got the visa! I don't know what kind of visa, I don't know for how long, but I know I got it! So now sometime in August I'll probably go to Pittsburgh and for Christams to Virginia. I can't wait!
Except for that: it's suppoze to be very hard day at work - I'm the only one from our team and we had 2 days off unlike the rest of the world, so there is a looooot of work. But I'm still all about the visa and I just can't be bothered to work too hard today. It can wait till Monday :)
As I mentioned, we had two days off. On Wednesday we went to the ZOO and saw giraffes, they are so cute. We saw lots of other animals too but I had seen them a year ago when Mloda was here. We just missed giraffes. So we saw pingwins and lions and elephant and hippos and owls and voulchers (hmm, the birds that eat dead people :) and... I don't remember :)) There was too many of them to remember all. Oh, gorillas and those animals who are extremely lazy and the sin is calles after them - laziness, can't remeber their name. It was fun day.
And yesterday we were playing Arcana Unearthed. I'm fean mage-blade. It's fun. There are dragons and giants and all sort of wacky stuff going on. I'm enjoying it except that Prince (who is not playing prince btw) has to play like 3 people and be the Game Master at the same time so it's a bit difficult at times. But still it's fun. I know for some of you RPG is this strange thing that make people kill themselves (that's what I heard) but for me it doesn't have any of this kind of stigma and it's just one more fun thing to do.
So I guess that's all. Oh, and Italy won with Germany in semi-final. And they are playing France (again). Hopefuly it won't be penalty kicks that decide who won the World Cup this time.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Another lazy Saturday morning. This time I'm in a Polish mood - first of all of course bc of Marysia (for those of you who don't know Maja the Bee or Przczolka Maja - we met in Sweden, she's from Warsaw, graduated from UW in March and now came to Czech Republic to the Film Festival in Karlove Vary) and also bc she brought me some Polish items - the magazine Polityka, ptasie mleczko i Zubrowke :) Teraz mamy calkiem niezly zapas polskiej wodki :).
Wczoraj bylismy ....Oh I switched to Polih somewhere there... ups
Yesterday we were in our local with Lukas, who I haven't seen since last July even though we live in the same city. But Marysia made him come (ach, ten kobiecy urok). It was fun. The only problem was that I was quite tired after Thursday so me and Prince went home around 11. They were ambling around the Old Town till 5am. And in the morning Marysia left to Karlove Vary unfortunatelly. But it was great to meet her.
Other news: Friday was Andrea's last day at work unfortunatellly. We have a new girl but it's not the same. We were getting along really well with Andrea. But she wanted to work in civil engeneering . Hopefully we will meet often. We have a plan for Tuesdays - to meet all three of us: me, Andrea and Migul, the whole team. We'll see. I'll miss her.
Also, after the party one guy couldn't find a night tram home so he slept in the office :))
And tonight we're going for a dinner to Courtney's. I'm making a salad of course.
Wczoraj bylismy ....Oh I switched to Polih somewhere there... ups
Yesterday we were in our local with Lukas, who I haven't seen since last July even though we live in the same city. But Marysia made him come (ach, ten kobiecy urok). It was fun. The only problem was that I was quite tired after Thursday so me and Prince went home around 11. They were ambling around the Old Town till 5am. And in the morning Marysia left to Karlove Vary unfortunatelly. But it was great to meet her.
Other news: Friday was Andrea's last day at work unfortunatellly. We have a new girl but it's not the same. We were getting along really well with Andrea. But she wanted to work in civil engeneering . Hopefully we will meet often. We have a plan for Tuesdays - to meet all three of us: me, Andrea and Migul, the whole team. We'll see. I'll miss her.
Also, after the party one guy couldn't find a night tram home so he slept in the office :))
And tonight we're going for a dinner to Courtney's. I'm making a salad of course.
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