Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Views from Czech Rep

I know you're all waiting for some pics, so here you are. It took me some time to upload them, 'cause Prince said he won't download them until he'll have time to put them on his blog. He's jealous that I'm usually the first to publish them :) His bad...
So enjoy....

Vltava river 10 minutes walk from home, with the Prague castle in the back. (8.04.2006)

Ducks and swans on Vltava river. (8.04.2006)
Krivoklat castle. (15.04.2006)
Flowers in Krivoklat (15.04.2006) - Mum, any idea what are those?
Nice, isn't it? - Krivoklat (15.04.2006)
Me & camouflage tree - Stromovka (22.04.2006)
Ducks at Stromovka (22.04.2006)
Tree at Stromovka (Stromovka means tree place) (22.04.2006)
Cherry trees at Stromovka (22.04.2006)
Me and cherry trees - Stromovka (22.04.2006)
Tulip - Stromovka (22.04.2006)
Me & Superman (after unsuccessful landing) - Prague (? nice sunny day in the fall 2005)

Update / Sprostowanie

I apologize Maja and everybody else - I lied. English version of the article about emigration is available here.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Magister emigracjii

Na dzisiaj tylko krotki post, bo jak dotad jestem dosc zajeta (co mnie bardzo cieszy, bo nuda w pracy to straszna sprawa).
Zostalam bohaterka artykulu :) Jesli jestescie zainteresowani emigracja kobiet, artykul autorstwa Maji the Bee znajdziecie tutaj.

For those, who don't speak Polish, well.... I became a character in an articlre about women's emigration :) If you want to read it - either ask Maja to translate or learn Polish :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Indian customs

Last week we got this meassage from our team in India:
"Raj Kumar, the film actor, passed away a few hours ago (link below) and we are already hearing from different sources that his fans are brewing trouble in different parts of the city. We must take this serously as Bangalore has already experienced considerable trouble from his fans in the past."
The next news follows it a few hours later:
"Further to this matter, as suspected, the unrest has already begun in the City and A. staff have been asked to immediately leave the office to their respective homes."
They couldn't leave their homes for 2 days! Crazy!!!

Attention, please

Oh yes, one more thing: if you're reading this, please leave some comments from time to time. At least I would know....
Tak, Mloda - to sie tyczy tez Ciebie! I Was, Tatusiu i Mamusiu! Bo wiem, ze czytacie - wysilcie sie czasem na jedno zdanko :))

Polish, job and cleaning

Ok, ok, I promise - no more long Polish posts with names :)
For those, who felt uncomfortable, it was just presentation of my friends here and the strange relationships between them. It was the last time, I promise.
I went to the dentist yesterday. I was concerned, not to say scared - I haven't had my teeth checked for 3 years or more.... I sat at the chair and it took like 5 minutes. Everything is fine, no problems, nothing :))) I'm proud of my teeth, they behave well.
Except that - hmmm, nothing happened recently. We're getting bored at work. By now, we know our job quite well and we're fast. So it takes us about 4 hours to finish everything. We told our manager we want more responsibilities, but it will take a few months to figure something out probably. So we're on the Internet half a day. Like today: it's 11 a.m. and for now I don't have anything left. Something will come, I'm sure, but probably not too much. And that's almost every day. Well, there are usually 2-3 days a week when nothing comes later. I don't mind it too much, but on the other hand it's boring. And the time passes faster when there is some job to do. Also, I'm getting paid for just sitting here which is stupid. Yesterday I left at 4 p.m. Today will be probably similar.
This weekend will be busy - it's Elizabeth's last weekend :(( I love Elizabeth. So we're having dinner on Friday at her place, dinner and clubbing on Saturday and who knows what on Sunday (probably dying hehe). I have to start cleaning before my Mum will come. At least our place is in far better condition than the one in Krakow - it took us 3 days to clean, all 4 of us (even 5 with the owner LOL), for my parent's visit. Good old times. So I should start cleaning soon, as the weekend will be busy. And make my Prince forget he is a Prince for some time (members of Royal Families have cleaners and I'm not going to be his). I hope he will be a good boyfriend and will help me. Hope... he looked at me as I'd be crazy when I said we need to clean the windows. And I meant we - the windows are huge and I'm the small one in this relationship.
Uff, a long post :) Yes, I do not have too much work. But that's enough for now, maybe after lunch I will have some brilliant idea for a next post.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Swieta, swieta ....i po swietach

Pieknie bylo, ale sie skonczylo - znowu w pracy. Dziwne byly te swieta. Zupelnie inne. Moja druga Wielkanoc poza domem, ale rok temu, w Szwecji, zorganizowalismy sobie uroczysty swiateczny obiad (no, sniadanie / obiad). Bo bylo duzo Polakow i wszyscy tesknili za domowa atmosfera. A tutaj bylismy tylko we dwojke. Ale poszlam do Kosciola, w poniedzialek Smingusa sobie urzadzilismy, wzbogaconego o czeska tradycje bicia kobiet witkami. Nie bolalo, takze luz.
W piatek poszlismy do pubu. Wiem, wiem, ze to Wielki piatek, ale nie pilam, tylko siedzielismy i rozmawialismy, takze nie wydaje mi sie, zeby bylo to cos nieodpowiedniego. Spotkalismy znajomych, ktorych dosc dawno nie widzielismy. Wszystko przez "dramat". Gdziekolwiek sie nie pojedzie, wszedzie dramat. Tutaj wyglada to tak: na kursie Roba byla grupka dziewczyn. Po kursie jak sie wyprowadzali z "akademika", podzielili sie w pary: Courtney z Adrianem, Elizabeth z Megan, zostala Lucy, ktora nie wiedziala, czy zostanie w Pradze i wrociala do Anglii na jakis czas, po czym przyjechala znowu do Pragi. Dramat zaczal sie od tego, ze Courtney i Lucy nie tolerowaly Megan, za to lubily Elizabeth. A miedzy Elizbeth a Megan zaczely sie drobne spiecia, ale ogolnie bylo ok. Do pewnego grudniowego dnia. Courtney, Lucy i Adrian wybierali sie na kolacje, zaprosili Elizabeth. A ta powiedziala Megan, ze wychodzi ze znajomymi z kosciola. Tylko, ze gdy stali pod stacja metra, w momencie gdy wlasnie wszyscy sie zeszli, wpadla na nich Megan. No i sie zaczelo. Bo Elizabeth ja oklamala, z tym ze wiedziala, ze Lucy i Courtney nie chca zeby Megan z nimi szla. Od tego dnia sie do siebie nie odzywaja. Najwiekszy problem polega na tym, ze zawsze trzeba uwazac, kogo sie gdzie zaprasza, bo jak one dwie sa w jednym miejscu, to koniec zabawy. I wlasnie przez to nie widzielismy Megan i Marka (jej chlopaka), a Megan jak Megan, nie powiem, zebym za nia wyjatkowo przepadala, ale Mark jest fajny. Dramat, dramt, dramat.... W kazdym razie wieczor minal w porzadku, byl tez Adrian i Ann, nauczycielka z Roba szkoly, ktora caly wieczor zorganizowala. Musze sie przyznac, ze na poczatku bylam o nia troszke zazdrosna. Ale mi przeszlo :)

W sobote bylismy w Krivoklacie, miasteczku oddalonym ok 40km od Pragi. Co roku urzadzaja tam na zamku jarmark wielkanocny. Nie taki jarmark, jak w Polsce na wioskach. Tutaj to staraja sie zrobic bardziej jak sredniowieczy jarmark, z calym mnostwem atrakcji typu sredniowieczna muzyka, wystepy, jedzenie itp. I do tego na dziedzincu zamkowym. Milo bylo - spacerek po lesie, zwiedzanie zamku (wybudowanego czesciowo przez Jagiellonow), i oczywiscie buszowanie po straganach. Kupilam sobie sliczna bizuterie, recznie robiona, wyjatkowa (i do tego tania). Nikt nie ma takiej drugiej.

Weekedn ogolnie minal spokojnie i milo, poza tym, ze wdalismy sie w dyskusje na temat wakacji. Jakis czas temu planowalismy wyjazd do Stanow, ale boje sie, ze nie dostane wizy, wiec zrezygnowalismy. Wspomnialam wtedy, ze moglibysmy pojechac do Szkocji (Roba rodzina stamtad pochodzi). Pomysl spodobal mu sie niesamowicie i wszystkim powiedzial, ze jedziemy, bez zadnego planowania, a zwlaszcza brania pod uwage kosztow. W momencie, gdy zaczelismy sprawdzac ceny okazalo sie, ze to nie takie proste (czytaj: tanie) i bedziemy miec problemy z finansami. Ale Rob sie juz napalil i nie szlo go przekonac, ze to nie najlepszy pomysl, bo nas na to nie stac. No i caly weekend o tym rozmawialismy. On czasem jest jak dziecko, ktoremu spodobala sie zabawka i chce ja za wszelka cene. Caly weekend od soboty chodzil obrazony, ze mam watpliwosci. Ciezka sprawa, ale chyba dal sie w koncu przekonac. Zobaczymy, jak to bedzie i gdzie pojedziemy.... Juz mi sie o tym nie chce myslec. Skonczy sie pewnie na tym, ze albo pojedziemy gdzies w gory i on bedzie chodzil niezadowolony, albo ja po prostu pojade do Polski. Zobaczymy...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Wesolych Swiat!

Zdrowych, spokojnych i rodzinnych Swiat Wielkiej Nocy dla Was wszystkich!
p.s. Smacznej choinki.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

C'mon, dance with me

It's already Wednesday - I have no idea how did it happened. I wanted to describe the weekend on Monday or maybe even on the weekend but no....and it's Wednesday. The time passes here like crazy! You can never know what day it is, it's so fast!
Last weekend was great! On Friday Elizabeth invited me to go dancing. It was supposed to be a girls night, but actually guys joined us later. Except for Robi (he told me once he doesn't want me to call him Prince :( so I won't) who said that:
1. he's too tired,
2. he doesn't like dancing,
3. he is too old.
So I went alone. I had a great time!!! I danced for 4 hours with just one short break and as there was no place to sit, getting some rest was difficult. That night was awesome. First of all because of people (I love Elizabeth), the place and music, too: 80's and 90's. A lot of fun. I came back at 4 in the morning :)
On Saturday we went to a very interesting pub to see an Irish concert. The music was great! And the place - wow! It was not decorated in any special way, just with a lot of old items all over the place but it had ATMOSPHERE. And the owner is a quite interesting person, he's the leader of Balbinova Poeticka Strana, Balbin's poetical party! After that we went to African pub with Brazilian band playing. We drunk some more, we discussed our tattoos: Aid has the cutest tattoo in the world - Tigger and Scott has really beautiful ones: Mucha on one shoulder, Roman solider on the second one and Vergil on his back - wow!
So basically that was the weekend. We also went for a nice walk in the neighborhood and by the river on Saturday. We planned to go Stromovka (one of Prague's parks) but the weather on Sunday wasn't so great and we decided to stay home. I went to Church (finally), I felt that I needed that so I'm happy I went. And it was Palm Sunday. I even went to confession! (Mum, you should be happy.) Now I feel free and so light I could fly.
It was a good weekend. I enjoyed every minute of it.
Yesterday I finally got together with Lida. I hadn't seen her for ages! She's very busy - going to Slovakia and spending weekends with handicapped people, working and studying... Latest news: she's going to Nepal at the end of summer for 3 months! I wish I could join her.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's all about weekends

OK, so I wanted to write about the weekend - as it is the only time something actually happens. But I forgot what we did on the weekend. Hmmm...oh, it was Rob's birthday! We went out on Friday - first to Budwaiser pub, a nice place to hang out. They were playing music form 80's. Then we moved to a rock pub, not so nice place, but we were enjoying it. And we got drunk with tequila and slivivice (Josh came, so it was obvious we'll end up with slivovice). At the end we split. We were going to meet later in a pub/disco, but I knew it. And they didn't want to wait for us to finish our drinks so the end was not so good. But we had a great time!
Saturday I was dying. I slept until 3 pm or so (with some breaks for more dying). Well, there is my lesson: don't drink tequila with slivovice and beer. Easy to say, but when somebody bring you a shoot, it's worse to decline. Sunday I wanted to go somewhere "to the nature" (Czechs use this expression and all my friends - English teachers really like it), but it didn't happen - Rob had too much work and we had to vacuum our bedroom finally. I hope this weekend we will go somewhere. But I'm going out on Friday to a "girls night" and on Sunday I really want to go to Church. Next weekend is Ester! Already! Uff, the time passes really fast, I'm still living in January! Well, so I have to go to Church on Sunday and after that Rob will be planning lessons. So we need to go on Saturday. But I will be after party...I just can't drink too much. Yeap, I see that happening :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Zostaja tylko wspomnienia

Mialam napisac cos wiecej w pracy, ale mialam ciezki dzien, zwlaszcza popoludnie - wszyscy mieli jakies problemy do mnie i to niezawinione. Jakbym ja cos zle zrobil, to bym zapychala jak maly samochodzik, zeby tylko to naprawic. Nie, ale oni i tak beda mnie winic za wszystko. No coz...
Przynajmniej sie wyzalilam, bo Ksieciunio wrocil sfrustrowany z pracy i bardziej byl zajety swoimi uczniami i jacy to oni sa, niz wysluchiwaniem o moich problemach. I pewnie za chwile wroci jeszcze bardziej wkurzony, bo zmywa naczynia po nas obojgu z ...chyba 2 dni. No coz...
Do tego znajomi sie do mnie nie odzywaja, zwlaszcza ci dawni, z Krakowa. A tacy byli dobrzy przyjaciele... Ale to juz bylo dawno. A ja jestem w dalekim kraju (hehe) i nikomu sie nawet pisac nie chce. Troche sie zawiodlam. I to nie moja wina! Pomyslicie sobie, ze jak ja nie pisze, to nikt nie bedzie tak sam z siebie. Tylko, ze ja pisalam, ale i tak Ci na ktorych przyjazni mi zalezy / zalezalo (niepotrzebne skreslic - jeszcze sie waham) i tak nie odpisuja. No coz...
(Juz mialam napisac cos bardzo brzydkiego, ale nie bede taka wulgarna.)
Potrzebuje worka treningowego, zeby sie wyzyc.