Monday, January 30, 2006

Wczoraj sie dowiedzialam, ze Adas i Agnieszka sie zareczyli :)))


New place, new start

I have so many things to write about and so little time :( Let me start from the beggining.
We have finally moved!!!! Now we have beautiful, charming and old appartment right in the center. It's great! There are 2 rooms: one bedroom / living room and big kitchen with dining area and couch. And tiny bathroom (the coldest place in the world).
We moved in on Saturday. It took us around 3 hours, fortunatelly Ales helped us and drive us and our stuff there. He even helped us carring it to the 4th floor (in the old building, it's like 7th in a regular one). After that I was totally dead! But we slowly started putting everything in its new place, moving things around etc. Yesterday we went to Ikea to get bookshelves and some other stuff. So we are actually set up in a new place :))
The only problem with it is that it's quite cold. Especially bathroom and hall. And on Saturday we were freezing (the heating was turned off for some time, so it took it the whole day to get warmer there). So I hope that the winter will be over soon. Well, it's not so terrible, it's just a little chilli. Actually I would get used to it quite easily (except the bathroom), but Prince needs it to be very warm.
As soon as I'll have pics, I'll post them. For now: you are all welcome! :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Nothing is as easy at it seems

As everybody knows, we are moving to a new apartment. It's great and beautiful and in the center, everything is great. Except our old apartment and especially its owner who decided to make problems. Partly it's our own fault. We interpreted the contract the way it was better for us. We also didn't understood each other with our flatmate, apparently. So now we have quite a problem: we should also pay the rent for February for our old apartment. And this is stupid! Especially that we don't have those money and we won't be living there. The only solution is to find someone for our place but it doesn't seem to work well. None of us know what to do. It's all fucked up! I don't want to cause problems to Lida or Ales. But I cannot pay it...
Work is still bornig today. I mean a lack of work is borning. I would really love to have something to do. I shouldn't complain, Prince was trying to convince me that this is better than having to much work, but we also agreed that he is extremely lazy :) That's the reason why he has problems with bringing me coffee to bed in the morning. Oh well, I guess I should learn how to live with that :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

[*] [*] [*]

Śpieszmy się kochać ludzi tak szybko odchodzą
zostaną po nich buty i telefon głuchy
tylko to co nieważne jak krowa się wlecze
najważniejsze tak prędkie że nagle się staje
potem cisza normalna więc calkiem nieznośna
jak czystość urodzona najprościej z rozpaczy
kiedy myslimy o kimś zostając bez niego.

ks. Jan Twardowski (1915-2006)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Sometimes there is just nothing to do

It's so lazy day... I'm at work and all of us are very very sleepy and nobody wants to do anything, unfortunatelly I don't have much work today. On the other hand I don't have anything to occupy myslef so it's quite boring. I've read newspapers and blogs and now I'm just bored. Well, I shouldn't complain, it's better than last Tuesday when I didn't even have time to sent a single sms, I had so much work. And after work I'm going to sigh the contract for our new apartment! YUPI!!! I can't wait to move in and make pics and post them here. It's so great!!!
Oh and it's soooo cold! In the morning it was -15 degrees (Celcius of course, it would be around 0 in Farenheit). I know, all of you in Poland would say it's a piece of cake. My parents told me it was -30 last night. So take care, wear worm clothes, gloves and hats and don't take your dogs for too long walks (poor Misiek).

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Leniwy weekend

Robi dzisiaj rano zauważył, że robię dużo błędów na blogu, jak tak, to tym razem będzie po polsku.
W sumie to nic nowego się nie wydażyło. Byłam w Kosciele, mają tu Msze po polsku i fajnych księży - domonikanów. Podobało mi się kazanie, o Królestwie Bożym w każdym z nas i jak je pielęgnować i wprowadzać do naszych rodzin. Bo w zasadzie to my rodzinę tworzymy, nawet jesli nie jestesmy małżeństwem. ...Własnie mi powiedział, że mi nie ufa - bo pierwsze jabłko to była moja wina. Starszne. A teraz toczymy bitwę na nogi, z tym że on ma dłuższe. A teraz udaję, że jestem zła :) za to że powiedział, że mi nie ufa. Poszedł na balkon, na fajkę, chwila spokoju.
Ale ja złe rzeczy o nim piszę :( i to tylko dlatego, że nie może mnie zrozumieć. Wiem, jestem straszna. Ale czasem muszę odreagować i pokazać mu jak to jest jak mu się nie chce mi czegos wytłumaczyć albo powiedzieć wolniej.
Także za tydzień się przeprowadzamy do nowego mieszkanka, tylko we dwoje. Bardzo się cieszę. I już nie mogę się doczekać!
Wczoraj spędzilismy dzień bardzo bardzo leniwie, w łóżku w zasadzie - ogolądając filmy. Nie moglismy się obudzić i rozruszać cały dzień i tak jakos wyszło. Ale to dobrze, bo po ubiegłym tygodniu, po pokerze, do poniedziałku nie wypoczęłam. Bo w sobotę urządzilismy wielką grę w pokera u nas, wygrałam 100 koron (2x tyle, co mnie kosztował udział), ale potem w niedzielę trzeba było sprząteac i kaca leczyć, więc w poniedziałek do pracy poszłam w stanie takim srednio wypoczętym. I cały tydzień nie mogłam dojsć do siebie. Ale teraz już będzie lepiej, ten tydzień będzie dobry. No i od przyszłego będe mogła wstawać o prawie godzinę później :)

Friday, January 20, 2006

Najnowsze wiesci z Pragi

Finally I have some time to update my blog! Recently I was very busy at work and not only - we were looking for a new apartment. It is now decided and we are moving on the 1st of February to a cozy place right in the center of Prague! It is reserved for us and on Monday or Tuesday I'm going to sign the contract. I'm very very happy. It's quite big, fully furnished, in an old beautiful building, just 10 minutes by tram to my work. So next weekend we should be moving!

Since my last post, we've done a lot of interesting things (except finding a new place): we were in the National Theater ( to see a ballet The Nutcracker - A Christmas Carol by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky; we went to a cinema (or as Rob would say - theater) for Narnia ( Both of them were great! I really enjoyed the ballet, I haven't seen a ballet before, or I don't remember if I did. We are planning on going to the opera next time.

Yesterday I met Lida and Olga - I missed them a lot. We had a great time talking about everything what happened lately as I haven't seen them for a while. As a result I don't feel really good today, but I don't have much work, so that's fine.

Monday, January 09, 2006

New Year, New Year!!!!

I was planning on writting something about New Years Eve last week but I was so busy! There were days I din't have time at work to check my email. But it was goog, at least interesting and no bordom. As a result I din't go to my second job on the weekend, I was so exchausted. I'm going to quit as soon as I will get my pay check for December. It's too much. I know now that I'm not able to work 7 days a week.
About New Years Eve: first we went to the Indian restaurant, it was ver very nice. Delicious food and we have a lot of time to talk about Xmas and everything, 'cause we had to wait a long time for our food. Then we went to the Old Town Square. Everybody were doing fireworks. Great atmosphere! Rob was a little bit nervous and he said it looks like war zone :) Actually I was also a little bit scared when we were comming back to the metro station but I tried not to show it. It was crazy! Smoke, fireworks, people running and trying to hide from fireworks. No, it sounds bad and it wasn't.
We had a very good time in the center and later on at home we opened a bottle of champagne and drunk it in bed. Good start of a new year!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Back again

I'm back in Prague, back at work. Christmas is over :( I really enjoyed it, especially because I haven't seen my family for half a year. So most of the time we were just talking (or talking and eating and drinking). It was great! No work, not studies, just family time.
Chrismas Eve dinner was quite small - only 10 people, but it was very nice. We were singing carrols and enjoying 12 traditional dishes (I can finally remember all of them). Everybody were asking about my life in Prague and my job and Prince. Later on my cousin and his girlfriend came, so it was even better. I won't see them at least for a year - they are going to England. And I'm not going to go to Poland any time soon. I also spend some time with my aunt and uncle and it's always very interesting, they are very wise and I like talking to them.
My sister got a driving licence and I'm very proud of her, because she passed at the first exam (usually it takes at least 3 times to pass). And she drives very well. She wants to proove that a girl can be a better driver than most of the guys :) and I think she will do that.
Now I have to get used to working and getting up early again. At leat I still like my job so it's not so hard.