I am finally at home! I'm so happy! I haven't seen my family half a year and I missed them a lot. Now I feel like I would have been here a month ago, nothing has changed and everything is so normal.
I'm quite tired today - it took me more then 13 hours to get here, most of the time in uncomfortable bus. Well, it wasn't so bad, but the whole night in a bus where you can't even decline your chair is uncomfortable. I slept almost the whole night and now everything hurts me. And I'm still tired 'cause it wasn't normal sleep. We are going to decorate our Christmas tree now, I think so I'm going to join my family :)
It's good to be home.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I just call to say I love you
Of course I started the last post from something totally different then I wanted. I just wanted to say how happy I am because Prince called me today. We talked for half an hour. It was so nice, I realized that I miss him, not in that bad way, when you're becoming crazy when your partner is not with you. No, never again those sick relationships. I miss Prince but I know we'll be very soon together and we'll be more happy that we're together then if we wouldn't be apart. And I don't have anything to be afraid of because I trust him.
When he called me I realized that I actually miss him, 'cause I didn't have time for that, to think about that. And I realized how much I'd like to kiss him. It was so nice to hear his voice :)
p.s. The person who gave him a new computer game will be punished for that crime :)
When he called me I realized that I actually miss him, 'cause I didn't have time for that, to think about that. And I realized how much I'd like to kiss him. It was so nice to hear his voice :)
p.s. The person who gave him a new computer game will be punished for that crime :)
Już jutro!!!
I had a very nice evening yesterday. I saw Lida, we went for a coffee and finished with svarak, hot spicy wine (mniam mniam). Later on her friend joined us. First we talked about her: why, what, who, when.... and what is going to do now. Then we discussed the apartment and probably we'll move out (I'm already happy for that). And then Misia came. She's very interesting person: intelligent and funny, when I'm talking with her I feel like I'd talk to psychologist. And if she lived few hundred years ago, she would be one of the magicians (they called them somehow else...alchemists) from the Golden Street who tried to produce gold, or a druid or someone like that.
So we had a nice chat and a lot of svarak, we end up running with Lida to the train station, as she was almost late for her last train. We also got into discussion about politics, what guys usually do and girls are annoyed. But I actually enjoyed it, probably because she did not try to convince me that she knows everything better (like guys tend to do). We were laughing at our languages. Actually we end up laughing at almost everything. That was a very nice evening, very relaxing. Unfortunately, I didn't get enough sleep because of that and was tired at work and now I have to wait for my last load (?) of laundry to be finished. Tomorrow I'm planning on getting up earlier and going to work at 8, so I could finish at 4 p.m. Because I'M GOING HOME TOMORROW!!! YUPPIE YUPPIE YUPPIE!!!
So we had a nice chat and a lot of svarak, we end up running with Lida to the train station, as she was almost late for her last train. We also got into discussion about politics, what guys usually do and girls are annoyed. But I actually enjoyed it, probably because she did not try to convince me that she knows everything better (like guys tend to do). We were laughing at our languages. Actually we end up laughing at almost everything. That was a very nice evening, very relaxing. Unfortunately, I didn't get enough sleep because of that and was tired at work and now I have to wait for my last load (?) of laundry to be finished. Tomorrow I'm planning on getting up earlier and going to work at 8, so I could finish at 4 p.m. Because I'M GOING HOME TOMORROW!!! YUPPIE YUPPIE YUPPIE!!!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Ach to zakochanie
When I was coming back today there was a couple in metro. Kissing all the time and hugging. They weren't like the couples that would have sex if there were more space in the train. They looked very in love and romantic. And it remind me of me & Prince a year ago. Somebody (stefan probably) was laughing at us that we cannot keep our feeling just for us. That we're always holding hands and kissing. And always enjoying being together. It was a good time. It still is. Just now it is more normal, not so special and fresh and romantic :) But it's still beautiful.
I miss him.
I miss him.
Consequences of breaking up
We have a serious problem. But I'll start from the beginning.
When I came back from work I saw big backpack and a few more bags full of stuff in the living room. I was quite surprise. First I thought Lida brought somebody with her but I soon realized that those are her things. And it became clear: she's moving out. Especially that she has just came back from Slovakia, where she saw her ex-boyfriend. I called her and she confirmed: she broke up with Ales and came back to her ex. She's happy, so I'm happy too. But...we are renting apartment together and she won't live here. We have contract till the end of August. And this apartment is not worth nay more than we're paying for it (per person). I don't want to pay any more especially that we (me and Prince) are living here only because this location was chosen by Ales (he works outside Prague 15 minutes by car from here). I have no idea how will we solve it. We could move out too but I'm afraid we'd loose deposit and I can't afford that. So we have a problem.
When I came back from work I saw big backpack and a few more bags full of stuff in the living room. I was quite surprise. First I thought Lida brought somebody with her but I soon realized that those are her things. And it became clear: she's moving out. Especially that she has just came back from Slovakia, where she saw her ex-boyfriend. I called her and she confirmed: she broke up with Ales and came back to her ex. She's happy, so I'm happy too. But...we are renting apartment together and she won't live here. We have contract till the end of August. And this apartment is not worth nay more than we're paying for it (per person). I don't want to pay any more especially that we (me and Prince) are living here only because this location was chosen by Ales (he works outside Prague 15 minutes by car from here). I have no idea how will we solve it. We could move out too but I'm afraid we'd loose deposit and I can't afford that. So we have a problem.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Waiting for new shoes
For all of you who don't know what is procurement (I had no idea either), I will shortly explain what is my new job all about. Basically, I'm checking the system from errors. We are selling the software which is designed to reduce company's spending. My job is to check if the company is using the software in the right way, if the invoice is correct, check all the information about the supplier and he price. I'm learning a lot of things, i.e. SAP, which is very useful in the office and I have never had any contact with it. People are very nice, intelligent and better co-workers that the poker team. The office is cool, more professional than the poker place. The most important is that the job is a more difficult and it gives you more satisfaction. I feel more that I'm using my education, at leas in general. The poker job doesn't require any intellect from you and you start thinking that you're dumb. The new place is much more fun. Now I don't know if I really want to keep both jobs, I'm afraid that I won't be able to work 7 days a week. The money from my new job are quite good, so in a month time I'll pay off all my debts and be able to buy me shoes :) I'm waiting for those shoes for a few months now and I couldn't afford them. But next month I'll have them!
Sweet parting
I said goodbye to my Prince today - he left to the US. I'm all alone in Prague now. Fortunately not too long, on Thursday I'm going home!!! YUPPIE!!!
So I had to get up around 5 to go to the train station, make sure that he has all the tickets he needs (he had to buy one more) and help him with carrying his luggage. I'm happy that I did it, I spend the last minutes with him. It's not that we would be long time apart, but it's always nice. I will miss him but it's this kind of missing that isn't very sad, 'cause I know we'll see each other in 13 days. And he will enjoy not having to deal with my bad moods and complains. He will be able to play his computer game as much as he wants to and do whatever he wants without me wanting to spend all the time together. So enjoy this time, my love :)
So I had to get up around 5 to go to the train station, make sure that he has all the tickets he needs (he had to buy one more) and help him with carrying his luggage. I'm happy that I did it, I spend the last minutes with him. It's not that we would be long time apart, but it's always nice. I will miss him but it's this kind of missing that isn't very sad, 'cause I know we'll see each other in 13 days. And he will enjoy not having to deal with my bad moods and complains. He will be able to play his computer game as much as he wants to and do whatever he wants without me wanting to spend all the time together. So enjoy this time, my love :)
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Starting again!
I'm starting tomorrow a new job: procurement service associate. I'm very exited, a little bit scared but overall happy. I'm staying in the poker place for part-time, at least for some time. Prince wasn't very happy when I told him that I'll be working 7 days a week. I'm also a little afraid that I won't manage to do it for a long time. So probably after January I'll say goodbye. Now, I have 2 Christmas parties :) both next week. And also our private but we're not sure yet when. Prince wanted to get his present yesterday, as I went shopping. Unfortunately, it wasn't so easy 'cause I couldn't find what I planned to buy him. So he has to wait. It's even better, I don't want to do it so early, it wouldn't be like a Christmas present.
Oh, my second shift came so I can go home :) And cook delicious dinner for Prince.
Oh, my second shift came so I can go home :) And cook delicious dinner for Prince.
Głupie pomysły wielkich koncernów

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The discovery
Santa Claus is coming to town
It's Saint Nicholas Day/ Mikuláš/ Święty Mikołaj today! HURRA!!! And apparently I was a good child last year, 'cause He brought me something - stuffed elephant which is almost the same as the one I had when I was a child.
Tak w ogole to chcialam napisac po polsku ale uzywam komputera Ksiecia bez polskich liter i tak jakos dziwnie. A to o Mikolaju chce napisac po angielsku bo w Polsce jest podobnie ale czesc moich znajomych i nieznajomych czytajacych tem blog (znajomi i rodzina Ksiecia) nie maja pojecia ze Mikolaj przychodzi 6 grudnia! Trzeba ich uswiadomic!
So for those of you who think that Santa Claus comes on December 25, I have news: in this part of the world, he comes on December 6! And then second time, sometimes as Little Jesus (in Czech Republic), sometimes as The First Star (parts of Poland), sometimes again as Santa Claus (other parts of Polnd)! Czechs have very interesting traition of Mikuláš, Anděl a Čert (Nicolas, Angel and Devil) suddenly appear on the streets of Prague on December 5 and 6, asking children if they have been good for the past year. And Mikuláš, as Polish Mikolaj, is dressed as a bishop. The Devil is suppose to drag off bad children to hell, and the Angel is a protector of good children (or something like that :)). So I was good, 'cause I get a present :)) Thank You, Santa Claus!
Tak w ogole to chcialam napisac po polsku ale uzywam komputera Ksiecia bez polskich liter i tak jakos dziwnie. A to o Mikolaju chce napisac po angielsku bo w Polsce jest podobnie ale czesc moich znajomych i nieznajomych czytajacych tem blog (znajomi i rodzina Ksiecia) nie maja pojecia ze Mikolaj przychodzi 6 grudnia! Trzeba ich uswiadomic!
So for those of you who think that Santa Claus comes on December 25, I have news: in this part of the world, he comes on December 6! And then second time, sometimes as Little Jesus (in Czech Republic), sometimes as The First Star (parts of Poland), sometimes again as Santa Claus (other parts of Polnd)! Czechs have very interesting traition of Mikuláš, Anděl a Čert (Nicolas, Angel and Devil) suddenly appear on the streets of Prague on December 5 and 6, asking children if they have been good for the past year. And Mikuláš, as Polish Mikolaj, is dressed as a bishop. The Devil is suppose to drag off bad children to hell, and the Angel is a protector of good children (or something like that :)). So I was good, 'cause I get a present :)) Thank You, Santa Claus!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
A year has passed
Today's our first anniversary!!!
I should figure out some kind of surprise for my Prince but I don't really know what. And even if I would, I couldn't write it here - he could see it and surprise destroyed. I'm at work right now (: so I have a few more hours to think about it. Actually I almost forgot about it. Almost...
It was totally crazy a year ago :) And it's already a year :) Amazing.
I should figure out some kind of surprise for my Prince but I don't really know what. And even if I would, I couldn't write it here - he could see it and surprise destroyed. I'm at work right now (: so I have a few more hours to think about it. Actually I almost forgot about it. Almost...
It was totally crazy a year ago :) And it's already a year :) Amazing.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Grey days
I know I should be happy and enthusiastic but I'm not. I'm at work - the poker one and it's hot here, no fresh air and we're not allowed to open the windows. And I'm falling asleep. I talked to my boss, he will tell me tomorrow if he wants me to stay for a part-time or not. I'd like to but I don't care so much. I want to go to bed and get a full night sleep finally!
Friday, December 02, 2005
And again starting
Wow, I've got a new job. It is not that I was looking for it (I'm in the poker place just 3 weeks), it found me. My colleague from poker place told me that he's changing a job and they are looking for a Polish speaker and they offer better conditions and the job seems more interesting. So I gave him my CV. I had a few phone interviews and today I got the confirmation :) I'll be earning more, the company gives bigger chances of development, the job is more challenging and interesting. Is there anything more to want? So I decided to take it. And I'm happy. I don't know yet what I'll do with the poker place. I may try to switch there to part-time and work during weekends, at least for some time (until I'll pay off my debts and finally get a full pay check). Or I may simply quit. But I don't really want to quit, cause it's easy job, easy money. On the other hand I'm not sure if I will be able to work 65 hours per week for a long time, without any day off. I have to talk with Rob and my parents maybe they can advise me something. I have to decide until Monday.
Woo-hoo a better job! Woo-hoo more money! Woo-hoo end of boredom! Woo-hoo....just woo-hoo in general!
Woo-hoo a better job! Woo-hoo more money! Woo-hoo end of boredom! Woo-hoo....just woo-hoo in general!
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