Monday, July 25, 2005

Tymczasem przenoś moją duszę utęsknioną do tych pagórków lesnych, do tych łąk zielonych

I saw that Prince made a test: what language should he learn. The result was obvious: Swedish. So I've made the test myself, thinking that maybe I should learn Japanese or some egzotic language. Ha! Mine result was: SWEDISH! Unfortunately something is not working and I can't post it like he did, but the comment is: Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!
Oh, good old Swede, I wish I were there right now with him...Well, one cannot have everything. At least it's only 2 weeks left and we'll be together!

Life is a miracle

And the next weekend is finished. Even though I am not doing anything special during week, I feel weekends - my friends have more time and we always do something. For example yesterday we played voleyball for 3 hours. It was great! But today all my body hurts, but it was worth. And then we watched a movie "Life is a miracle" by Emir Kusturica, very good film about the war in Jugoslavia (it is not a war movie, more about the meaning of life and love and so on). And of course as in every his movie the music was great! So that was yesterday. And Friday of course party, but i didn't have fun, I miss my Prince more and more and it'snot easy to forget about that. I know it's only 2 weeks (jupi! hurra!) but it seems so long....
Finally I started to work on my thesis seriously. I have final plan of everything, I am sure what I will write and how. Of course I've written most of it already, but I need to add some more stuff and check the rest. So I think it should be finished by the end of this week. So just before the deadline. hehe as usual, but time pressure makes me work more effectively. So I'm getting back to work!

Friday, July 22, 2005

I need home

My last day at school....I went to the office to officially quit the program, but i still have to come back here to do some paper work. But it's finished.
I looked at job vacancies in Warszwa - there is less than half of what is here! I'm staying here! Definitely! I was thinking about it and figured out that now I need any job to stay here, learn Czech and earn some money. I'll have time to look for a good job and I think I can find something. Lida is looking for the appartment for us (for her, her boyfriend, me and my Prince), everything is going well. I hope it will end up well too. Because now everything is still not certain. i hate that. I want to have a normal life finally. To know, that I'm living somewhere for good, not only for a few months! I think 5 years of life like that is enough! And I don't want to move any more! I want to bring all of my stuff to one place and be hapy in that place! I just have to finish students life! It's enough! I want to be responsible, work, and have normal home! My own home and not just a room in students house! And I'm going to get that very soon!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

All I want is inner peace

So I had already 5 interviews. Oh, looking for a job is so tiring, somebody should pay for it! But I'm optimistic and I think I'll get something especially that now I want to get any job to stay here and have time and money to look for something nice. One company is quite promising: they are creating their branch here in Prague for the whole Eastern Europe and they need one Polish native speaker, on Czech, one Hungarian, one Slovakian and one ...they don't know yet. They sell adverticing space in profesional magazines. And they provide traning and quite good conditions. So I hope this will workout. Or Swarovski shop - just think about working with all those beatiful things, their jewellery is amazing!!! We'll see, but I'm sure it is easier here that it would be in Poland. And I want to stay here!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Use your illusion

I had the first interview today. I mean not the first in my life, but here and now. Since I've started looking for a job. It was very nice and so on, but the job is not forme, unfortunatelly. No problem, I have next two tomorrow and one the day after tomorrow and ..... maybe more. I've found a perfect job for me: customer service for Polish clients. They require good Polish language skills (hehe) and English , study/ work experience abroad (I have both) and...more or less that's all. So I am perfect for the job! And the job seems perfect for me. But they haven't contacted me yet. I send my application on Sunday and nothing :((( I still have some hope but not much. Well, tomorrow is a new day!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Łączcie się w pary

Wczoraj mielismy wielką imprezę. Bardzo smieszną zresztą. Jakbym się cofnęła w czasie do liceum albo pierwszego roku studiów. Znaczy nie ja, ale ci, z którymi byłam. Niewyobrażalne! Jak ludzi zmienia wyrwanie się z domu, ze swojego srodowiska. Tu są sami bardzo poważni ludzie, ekonomisci, ąę ogólnie rzecz biorąc. A wczoraj większosć się bardzo upiła, bardzo, ale nie bardziej niż my się upijamy na imprezach. Tylko że im zniknęły wszelkie hamulce. Pary gdzieś po krzakach się miętosiły, ktoś poszedłpływać w jeziorze,gdzie jest zakaz i w ogóle wżyciu bym tam nie poszła. Masakra! Ja nie wiem, ale jakbym się nie upiła, to się tak nie zachowuję. Normalnie szok. No i takie jaja się tu dzieją. Przynajmniej jest ciekawie. Ja nie jestem jakaś konserwatywna, ale to była przesada jak dla mnie. Hehe bawcie się ludzie dobrze!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Tiger of Europe

It's amazing!!! I'm having two job interviews next week! After 2 or 3 days of sending my cv's! Of course it doesn't mean that I'll get those jobs or that they will be good jobs, but still. In Poland I'd probably need at least 2 months for that! And I don't speak Czech fluently. It gave me lots of hope! Maybe I will be able to stay here, in Prague.
Aha, and I have a new phone number, Czech one, if somebody would like to contact me :)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Time to say goodbye

Uff, it's been a hard time for me. Last ...week or so. Last Thursday I wasnted to quit the program, then on Friday I've changed my mind. It was very emotional decision and made very fast. So easy to change. Weekend was very nice - parties mainly (well, it was actually one party on Saturday) and meeting people, talking. Until Sunday when I've started to do my homeworks. And it just wasn't working at all. I couldn't force me to do math, to concentrate on those numbers. Numbers and numbers and numbers. And the same in microeconomics and macroeconomics. So finally, on Monday I've made decision: I quit. And I did. It is not a program for me. It's all math and not much more. And it's silly forme to explain people's behaviour by numbers! I don't want to stuck here for4 years. At least this decision was well thought out. Not made under the pressure of emotions as the last one, when I was crying the whole day.
But! I'm not leaving Prague! At least I hope. I'm trying to find a job here. I've started yesterday so I don't know how it will work out, but no harm in trying. I've paid for dormitory for the whole month, I have plane tickets to Sweden from and to Prague. And I have here good conditions to write my thesis, which is now terrible! I should definetely work harder on it. Now I at least have time for that, however sending c.v.s and cover letters takes me really a lot of time. It's hard work looking for a job!
So keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Nadzieja uczyni realnym krok w chmurach

Wczoraj był bardzo ciężki dzień, i nie mówię tym razem o Londynie, o religiach, demokraccji ani o niczym równie poważnym, tylko o sobie. Podjęłam decyzję, że wracam do Polski, bo nie daję rady, ani z nauką, a z otoczeniem też są problemy. Jak widać, zmieniłam zdanie po rozmowie z moim Ukochanym, Rodzicami i Przyjacielem. Za wczesnie jeszcze, żeby rezygnować. Nie można się poddawać tak szybko! O wszystko w życiu trzeba walczyć, więc chociaż tyle mogę zrobić - walczyć. Jesli się nie uda, trudno. Ale przynajmniej nie będę miała poczucia, że uciekłam. I nie będę żałować. Najważniejsze to niczego nie żałować!
Z drugiej strony dostałam maila od promotora ze Szwecji, ogólnie mówiąc: kiepsko. Dużo pracy mnie czeka jeszcze z magisterką, a nie mam na to czasu. Ale trzeba być dobrej mysli.
p.s. Specjalnie dla Ciebie, Przyjacielu, wpis po polsku :)) Bardzo Ci dziękuję za rozmowę, zwłaszcza po tym, co razem przeszlismy. I mam nadzieję, że jest Ci dobrze w tym górskim raju :)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sad sad day

What's a horrible day! I will never understand how people can kill other people, innocent people! Any religion cannot justify that! And now my friends again say how bad islam is...but now I have Muslim friends and somehow I cannot agree on that! That's too much for me to understand, no politics or anything can explain that. How can I believe that people are good when again and again something so terrible is happening...But I want to believe that the nature of people is good...

Monday, July 04, 2005

Fun time!

Yesterday I finally did something else besides studying the whole days. Just after classes I went to Vysehrad. And I'm in love with it! It's amazingly beautiful.
It used to be a castle (Vysehrad means castle on the hill), build earlier than Prague Castle, was also the capital of Bohemia and Poland (!) during the period when the Premyslides were rullers of Poland, 1291-1306. (Actually it the capital of Poland was Kraków at that time, but Vysehrad was the seat of the royal family.) Oh, I'm looking at the dates and something is wrong - in 1140 the capital was moved to Prague Castle, so...maybe it wasn't the capital of Poland. It doesn't matter, it is beautiful! I'm going to spend there a lot oftime, especially that it's on my the way home. Unfortunatelly, Prince couldn't be with me. And I'm sure he'd love it as he loves all old castles :)
And now I'm doing my homeworks....

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Guilty pleasures

Jestem tu już 2 tygodnie! I coraz bardziej mi się podoba. W końcu zaczęlismy się poznawać i wyskoczylismy pare razy do knajpy. Bardzo miło było.

On Thursday, the school organized a party for us and they've paid for the beer!!! How much we wanted! Everybody got really drunk, especially guys. And teachers :) As we have the last metro at midnight, we went back after 23pm but in few groups. And everybody independly went to a pub near to our dormitory (it is actually in the same building). So we had few more beers there. It was very funny night, especially our teacher from South America dancing latin dances with all girls. In the middle of the party I went for a walk cause I didn't want to get too drunk. And I've visited places where I'd been with Prince. It was nice but also sad. And Prague is so beautiful at night! It is always beautiful but nights are the best. Anad now I have to go back to my master thesis :) and later math. Jupi!
Oh and thatk you for comments :)) I'm very surprise that you actually read it :)