Monday, June 27, 2005

Sleeping kills

I've figure out that the only way for me to do all I have to is to sleep not more than 5 hours every day. Can you imagine me sleeping less than 10 hours? That's just impossible. Well, I'm making progress: I sleep around 7 hours here. But it's still too much so I'm starting today an experiment: how long I am able to sleep 5 hours a day. We'll see.

And YoungOne got the results from her school-leaving exams, and she did great! I'm very proud of her. Now she may be accepted to psychology, which is her dream. She's so smart. I'm very very happy! Soon she will see what the students' life is :)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dzień Truskawki

I've heard that today is Strawberry Day!!! I have no time to find anything more about it - I'm writting my master thesis (I'm really writting, not like yesterday). So that's all I wanted to say for today :)
Młoda, dzięki za wiadomość o tym dniu truskawek, miałam przynajmniej co napisać. Trzymam kciuki, na pewno super Ci poszło!!! Głowa do góry!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

All the different people and all their different minds

Wczoraj byliśmy w kanjpie, prawie wszyscy z tego programu. Siedziałam sobie koło kolesia z Armenii. Zabawna historia: powiedział mi, że bardzo obco się czuje w Czechach, że to zupełnie inna kultura (acha, ostatnie pare lat siedział w Stanach). Nie może się przyzwyczaić do widoku całujących się par na ulicy. I że dziewczyny się tak odważnie ubierają! Hehe, ciekawe co sobie myśli o moich mercedesach i tatuażu :)))
A potem wyszłam na krótki spacerek z kolesiem z Azerbejdżanu. Wychodząc coś mi w głowie zaświtało i powiedziałam Basi, że jak nie wrócę za pół godziny to żeby mnie zaczęła w krzakach szukać. Nie jestem rasistką (wszyscy którzy prowadzili ze mną dyskusje na ten temat wiedzą o tym doskonale), ale jak sobie pomyślałam, że koleś jest muzułmaninem, a skąd mam wiedzieć czy nie jakimś radykalnym, to mogą mu się nie spodobać moje poglądy czy sposób ubierania czy cokolwiek innego...Ależ to wszystko jest pogmatwane. W każdym razie było bardzo miło, normalny chłopak jak każdy inny. No i jak widać wróciłam cała i zdrowa. Ale ...nie spodziewałam się po sobie nawet mieć takie myśli. Jednak stereotypy zostają każdemu w głowie, niestety...

What do you do when your love is away

Today I'm alone - Basia's friends came and they went downtown to a pub. I should write my thesis (the swedish one) but I'm definitely not in a mood. Again very pessimist thoughts in my head. I'm not sure if I want to be here, does it make any sense. The worse things are loneliness and longing. I'm very bad in a long-distance relationships. I feel like I wouldn't know my Prince any more. He seems further and stranger every day. And then it's hard to understand each other and it's easy to argue about silly, not important things. Why everything has to be so complicated?
It's one of those hard days when I don't feel sense in anything and I'd like to run away. Where? Of course to Sweden and my Swedish Prince. It's too long without him...

Friday, June 24, 2005

English - Polski

I have to write one more thing, so everything will be clear. This blog will be sometimes in English and sometimes in Polish, depending on my mood. And I'm not going to translate everything into the second language! Probably there will be more in English, but all of you, my dear friends in Poland, know English, so you shouldn't have many problems. But there will be something in Polish too, so don't worry.
Muszę zaznaczyć jeszcze jedno, żeby nie było pretensji: to jest mój blog i czasami będzie po polsku, a czasami po angielsku. I na prawde nie zamierzam wszystkiego tłumaczyć, bo to nudne. Więc czasem będzie coś po polsku, a czasem po angielsku. W końcu znacie wszyscy angielski, nie powinniście mieć problemów.

A tak poza tym to dostałam dzisiaj wyniki testu z angielskiego i mnie zakwalifikowali do najwyższej grupy! Super, przynajmniej tyle, skoro i tak z matmą będzie problem. Jestem z siebie dumna :)

Happy Midsummer!

Today is a famous Midsummer Festival and I'm not in Sweden any more :( For those of you who don't know what is it, I'll briefly explain. That's one of the biggest holidays in Sweden, as important as Christmas or New Years Eve. That make a big deal about it, but apparently it's worth. I won't check it by myself unfortunatelly. It was developed from a pagan summer solstice festival. If you want to know more:
And I can't be there with the Prince :(( They are going to Leksand, one of the most popular places to spend Midsummer, as we study near it. The whole province, where I lived, Dalarna, is known for its folk customs. I wish I were there :(

Strawberry and Prague

I was asked to translate the post in Polish into English, however it may be difficult to formulate some sentences in English, but I'll do my best. So here it is, my Prince:
As my first post was in English, I'll write today something in Polsih. Are you happy? You can read about strawberry's adventures in Prague.
I've get here hapilly and all in one piece, but I haven't notice Sudety (mountains on the border between Poland and Czech Republic). Either they become so small or I was so engaged in reading an article about Kwaniewski (our president), who has charmed Poles. Aparently it's sociological term, it sounds very interesting. It's very rare phenomenon, Kennedy is a good example. It's very interesting but maybe not for all of you, so I'll get to the main thought.
When I got to Prague, Liduszka and her Ales has been waiting for me already at the airport. They've driven me to the students house, so I didn't wander arund the city trying to find it. (Dormitory in Czech is kolej, which in Polish means railway:)) And after we got there, we went for a beer. Finally, it's Czech Republic and there are at least 3 pubs very near to the dormitory. And the beer is only 18CzK, which is....2zlote or 4SEK...or a little less than 1$ (0,75$). Unfortunatelly, I won't have much time to visit them, as I have really a lot to study. And tomorrow I have first math classes and I'm terrified. There is going to be a test next week and I didn't even understood the topics: optimalization, matrix algebra, and something more. I think I've made a terribly stupid thing with this economics. Who goes to economics after political science?? Well, I've always had stupid ideas. It's worth trying. I will have nice holidays in Prague. Don't be surprised if you'll see me somewhere in the office for unemployed in the near future. But for now, keep your fingers crossed, maybe I'll be sucessfull. There is nothing that desperated strawberry couldn't do :)

I'm gonna try with a little help from my friend

I had my second math class today, seminar this time. Suprisingly, it wasn't so terrible! I've understood most of it and even could solve the problems by myself! Maybe I'm not so stupid as I thought. It's all because of Basia, my roommate. She explained me everything yesterday in the evening. I'm really lucky to have someone like she as a friend. She's great! Even if this summer programme (we call it Prep - preparatory semester) is a kind of competition, she's helping me a lot! I'm lucky with people, or maybe people are good in general. Well, I think they are. Probably some may not agree with this statement, but according to my experience, it's true. And I'm greatfull to God for it. For all of my friends :)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Black magic

I do not have test in math. Only those who know things like linear algebra, matrix algebra, optimalization, integrals, and some other even more complicated, may participate in the exam. And if he will do enough well, they may not have to take more classes in math. Obviously, I am not one of them.

Strawberry equation

WOW, somebody is actually reading it :))
I'm just after my first math lectures and it was terribll, I didn't understand a word. Well, except things like example ot theory :) I'll have to work really hard but who do not try, do not get anything. Oh, sorry, who do not do. As Yoda said: Do or do not, there is no try. So I'm doing :) And tomorrow we have math seminar. Well, there is no way for me to be able to do it. But it's nice to dream. It makes life more interesting.... my life is now a little too interesting. I haven't even manage to walk around Prague yet, too much classes. And I start around 8 am every day. Can you imagine me getting up so early? Well, I do now, I can't miss school.
So now lunch and math, math, math. Oh, and I've got an e-mail from my supervisor from Sweden, I have to send him final versions of 2 chapters, and 2 more chapters. And it's due on the last day of June. So no sightseeing this weekend, no swimmingpool, as we had planned, only studying and studying. On the other hand, it's nice change after my studies in Poland, where we didn't have to try very hard. Or maybe I was so intelligent that I didn't have to :) Yes, sure...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Nothing is real

It is very difficult to have a bilingual blog, especially for somebody like me, who doesn't speak English very well. But as this blog was my Prince's idea, who do not know Polish (unfortunatelly), I'll be brave and try not to complain.
Tomorrow I have my first math lectures. Terrible!!! How could I even hope that I'll be able to do learn advanced math in 2 months? Well, that's just how I am: first do and than think. Thinking is problematic with me. And now I can feel the consequences of that. Maybe this will be a lesson for me, but probably not. I'll be as silly as I am now and I like it.
So I have math lectures tomorrow and next week test. And after that we'll see. I may decide to go back... but where?? To Sweden for a few weeks? To Poland? For sure not to my parents, who I love, but I'm too old to live with them. And not to Kraków unfortunatelly, 'cause I there's nothing/nobody waiting for me. But it will be all good. I have my Prince and he will take me to his beautiful palace wherever and we'll be happy ever after :)
For now it is a big adventure, not real life. Yes, I am here to get to this progremme, but it seems so impossible, that makes no sence. It's all a dream

Jahoda a Praha

W związku z tym, że mój pierwszy post był po angielsku, to dzisiaj napiszę po polsku. Cieszycie się? Będziecie mogli sobie poczytać o przygodach truskawki w Pradze.
Dojechałam, a w zasadzie doleciałam cało i szczęsliwie, tylko Sudetów nie zauważyłam. Albo się tak skurczyły, albo byłam za bardzo zajęta czytaniem artykułu a Kwaśniewskim, który oczarował Polaków. To jest termin socjologiczny i bardzo mi się spodobał. Podobno zdarza się to bardzo rzadko, przykłądem był Kennedy. Ciekawe to bardzo, ale może nie dla wszystkich, także przejdę do głownego wątku.
Doleciałam do Pragi, na lotnisku czekała już na mnie Liduszka i jej Alesz. Zawieźli mnie do akademika (po czesku: kolej), dzięki czemu nie błądziłam pół dnia po obcym mieście, a potem poszliśmy na piweczko. W końcu to Czechy i okolicy akademika mam co najmniej 3 knajpy z piwem po 2 złote (18 koron). Niestety, nie będę miała zbyt dużo czasu żeby je zwiedzać, bo mamy okrutnie dużo nauki. A jutro mam pierwsze zajęcia z matmy, jestem przerażona. W przyszłym tygodniu ma być test, nie zrozumiałam nawet zagadnień: optymalizacja, równania różniczkowe i coś tam jeszcze. Chyba zrobiłam straszną głupotę z tą ekonomią. Kto to widział po politologii iść na ekonomię?? No cóż, zawsze miałam szalone pomysły. Spróbowac zawsze warto, najwyzej będę miała ciekawe wakacje w Pradze. W każdym razie niech się nikt nie zdziwi jak mnie spotka gdzieś w Urzędzie dla Bezrobotnych w niedalekiej przyszłości. Ale póki co, trzymajcie kciuki mocno, może się uda. Nie takich rzeczy zdesperowane truskawki potrafią dokonać :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Welcome to the strawberry field

Wohooo !!!
I have my own blog! And what should I write here? Who knows...for sure not me, just a small girl in a totally strange country, which is Czech Republic. I've just arrive to Praha to try to get to this great programme in economics. The problem is that I have no idea about math, but least I'll have a nice holidays.
I think that's all for the introduction, especially that it's late and I have lectures tomorrow in the morning.
Strawberry fields forever!